The brain produces endorphins - "endogenous morphine" - naturally. I've 
wondered if some peoples' brains produce less of the goodies than others' which 
would make those deficient in endorphins more likely to succumb to opiate 
addiction. Never seen any discussion on the topic.

 But, that said, I don't think I'm buying the author's thesis: "This means that 
alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, suicide attempts, phobias, adhd, 
anxiety and depression, et al are all disorders of the brain and as such need 
the treatment of a medical doctor first." 
 There's been a huge rise in rates of all these addictions and disorders over 
the past decades so  I think the primary cause is the sense of alienation of 
modern humans. We're estranged from nature, the clan and the community; until 
we realign our relationships with each other no other treatment is going to be 
more than a temporary fix. 

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