Comment below....

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 On 2/6/2014 10:09 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 It's wrong to assume that intelligent things must have had an intelligent 
creator. >
 We do not assume anything but we infer based on the valid means of knowledge: 
Objects that enter our consciousness experience seem already made. Some 
unconscious or subconscious process determines our conscious experiences for 
us, even though we can never become aware of it. The mystery of consciousness 
may never be explained satisfactorily, but it is obvious, to those who reflect, 
that something happens within us to make us see things the way we do. This 
something must be taken into account in explaining the nature of knowledge. 
Perhaps the most startling construction is that of consciousness itself. 
 But the brain evolved too and it didn't require assistance in the same way 
that nothing else required assistance. This is what I am talking about. The 
fact we think consciousness is amazing and can't explain it yet doesn't mean it 
isn't a natural phenomenon is the only point I'm making. In fact, it wouldn't 
make any sense for something that happens entirely in our heads to be more 
mysterious than we can account for, if it wasn't a physical construct it must 
have been hanging around for us to develop a method of using it, as there isn't 
any reason to suspect that is the case why do so many people rely on it?
 I would say it's typical superstitious thinking. Mankind does it with 
everything to the extent we could say it's a truism and maybe our most basic 
intellectual reflex. If we don't understand something we conclude it must have 
had a more sophisticated origin or method of control than a better 
understanding gives us. Everything from the weather to life itself gets the 
"god moves in mysterious ways" treatment. Darwin killed this thought error 
stone dead but it's still popular because people often value beliefs higher 
than knowledge. I would say that consciousness is the second most amazing thing 
in existence, after the fact there is a universe in the first place.

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