Yesterday I posted, after an attempt by two Robin Carlsen cultists to
bring him up again and "clarify" what he believed as only they can:

"And on this forum, only two people believe him. Fascinating that they
turn out to be the two gullible women who became his cult followers. One
"signed on" to his delusions here, the other 30 years ago, and then
*again* here, which should tell you a little about *her* sanity.

As far as I can tell, pretty much everyone else considers him a nut
case. Some were entertained by his insanity and his ramblings and
considered him a harmless nutcase, and others felt differently. But only
two people seem to have taken him seriously. And they continue to
"defend" him to this day like the hard-core cultists they've become. Go

One of the cultists replied:
"Oh, by the way, Barry, there was no "cult" to be a follower of on FFL.
That's just part of your fantasy."

Let's examine this, shall we. In the time since my original post
suggesting that Ann and Judy are "Robin cultists," they have made the
following number of posts about him or mentioning him.

J: 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 -- (25 posts total)
A: 11111 11111 11111 -- (15 posts total)

In these 40 posts, the two people who claim that there is "no Robin
cult" have spent their Saturday night 1) defending him, 2) claiming to
be the "experts" on What He Said And What He Meant By It (as if what he
said was some kind of sacred teaching), 3) trying to lure people into
arguing with them so that they could keep talking about their cult
leader Robin, and 4) trying to demonize anyone who speaks ill of him
(you know...the way cultists *always* tend to do about their cult

I rest my case. They are cultists, and they've proved it.

Now let's look at the issue of whether Robin was trying to be a cult
leader here on Fairfield Life (even though he failed miserably and
succeeded in finding only two cultists to follow him). I think we need
look no further than his Last Tantrum.

In his last post to Fairfield Life, Robin Carlsen basically declared an
ultimatum. He "pronounced" that he was only interested in discussing one
topic -- his continuing diatribes against Curtis. Nothing else, he
declared, was worthy of his participation. He basically set himself up
(again) in the position of Narcissistic Personality Disordered cult
leader, and tried to "make the rules." If no one played by them, he
would leave.

And leave he did, when no one was the least bit interested in his -- get
this -- OVER 13,000 WORD MANIFESTO. That's how long that last post was,
when you include the four posts that he *demanded* that everyone read
before they were worthy of interacting with him further.

What a fuckin' loon. What a cult nut case.

Now try to imagine what nut cases the two women who became -- and remain
-- his cult followers must be to continue following him. It pretty much
boggles the mind.

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