Robin has, as I've already pointed out, described all this in his posts. There 
was nothing new in the post Stevie misremembered.

 And obviously, as I also pointed out, Ann is not going to reveal any 
additional specific details of Robin's private life that he may have mentioned 
to her but not written about in his public posts, nor am I. But we both can 
tell you he wasn't meeting a friend in Starbuck's for "confessionals" every 
day. And if your memory wasn't crippled, you'd know that too, because (again: 
as I said) he'd already written about his interactions with his friend a number 
of times.

 You are way, WAY off-base with this, Stevie.

 Robin is not reading FFL, by the way.

 So, are you just going to keep on ignoring your whopping goof about Robin 
never having addressed Ann directly?

 So, you say I am mistaken about where he might have met with his friend, but 
you don't say where the meetings or get togethers might have taken place.  For 
all we know it was Starbucks.

 You say that I am mistaken that it was not a "confessional", but you don't say 
what it was.

 All you say is, "I am an authority in this matter", and we know that "Appeal 
to Authority" is a fallacy.

 I am afraid at this point, my dear, we are stuck with two competing versions 
of what might have happened.  I have surmised something from his statements.  
You say I am wrong, 

 Now funnily enough, there is probably someone who is reading all this, (hint, 
hint), who could clear everything up - stand up guy that he is.  What is the 
term - MIA?

 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:



 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:

 Anne, you are saying, "Trust me, because I know what is going on.  I'm not 
going to tell you anything about it, but I'm in the know"

 No I'm not. I am saying the post you retrieved from the archives has nothing 
to do with your memory of what Robin said. It is just that I know who he is 
talking about in that post and what his relationship is to that person. There 
is no mystery or "in the know". Just read what he wrote to see the discrepancy 
then simply read what I wrote and put one and one together and you have the 
fact that you were mistaken. 

 Well, I don't operate that way, and I don't know many who do.  So as they say, 
and I don't mean this in an impolite way,  but put up, or shut up.  There is 
really no other way to say it.

 There is nothing to "put up". I said it all. Any more details about any of it 
is up to Robin to give you, not me. But you have the basic facts: he doesn't go 
to Starbucks to make confessions to strangers. He has a friend who he talks to 
and has helped him for a very long time, a friend who knows him well. Simple, 

 As for being willing to admit a mistake.  I need to be shown where I was 
mistaken, other than, "You are mistaken"
 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:



 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:


 This post was over a year old.  In the body of the post at some point by one 
of the participants is mentioned "Starbucks".  Now if you wish to fault me over 
this detail, or any other detail, no problem.  But I stand by the my overall 
point that Robin had a friend that appeared to call him out on his "stuff".  My 
apologies that I indicated the setting was at Starbucks, or that I called it a 
confessional. But I feel my recollection was close enough to what I originally 

 Like I said, I don't really care one way or another. I know more about Robin 
past and present than anyone here and I know of whom he speaks when you 
mistakenly thought he meant some guy at Starbucks. It's fine, but why is it so 
hard for some of you here at FFL to admit you made a mistake? I, frankly, don't 
give a crap because I know who and what he was referring to that you got so 
badly wrong. But what is the deal with not being able to admit you made a 
mistake about this? This is a rhetorical question, BTW, I don't really need to 
know the answer to this but you might.

 Now if others wish to make a federal case out of it,be my guest.  But you may 
have to try me in absentia.

 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:



 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:


 Interesting to read this again, I don't ever go back and search and re-read 
stuff here. But I don't see anything about any confessionals at Starbucks.

 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:

 Judy, I don't know what the point of arguing about it is.  If he said it, it 
will be there in the record.  Without being too boastful, my memory is pretty 
good.  My impression is that he had nothing to do with e-mails, and seemed to 
predate his participation here.

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 You've got something screwy here, Stevie. He may have been talking about 
email, in which case he probably meant with me. But there was no "daily 

 My recollection is that he did, indeed say that he has a friend he meets with 
most everyday, at Starbucks, (I believe), in whom he confides thoughts, 

 I would say this was a couple months before he stopped posting.

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 emptybill doesn't know what he's talking about with regard to Robin, his reams 
of quotes notwithstanding.

 "Daily confessional with his friend at Starbuck's"?? Robin never said anything 
remotely like that.

 Both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theologies have clearly explicated 
the nature of union with God – at least as far as that is possible for humans. 
However, he never appeared interested in learning more - whether about 
Catholic/Orthodox Christianity, Yogic Vedanta or Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta. I 
attribute this to a lack of genuine humility although he was constantly 
espousing a pseudo-humility. 

 Sorta my take on the whole thing.  On the other hand, we do have the "missing" 
years when he was substitute teaching.  Could get some checks in the humility 
column for that.  And then we have his daily confessional with his friend at 
Starbucks.  Do I have that right?


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