You know, the interesting thing is, I don't recall Barry making any comments 
about Robin's and my "irony duel." One would think he'd have jumped on it if it 
gave him an opportunity to make trouble between me and Robin, or even to say 
disparaging things about the humor. (If you or anyone else remembers a post of 
his on this topic, I'd appreciate a reminder, but I noted the absence of such 
quite some time ago.) Even with the current hoo-hah, he hasn't said anything 
about it. He has mentioned it obliquely in connection with his ridiculous 
contention that irony is "lying," but that's about it.

 I suspect (and he'll deny it, of course) that he never mentions it because he 
doesn't want to call any more attention than necessary to an irony piece that 
was so much funnier than any of his own attempts (IMHO, of course).

 As to his current inadvertently hilarious comment quoted below, in the past 
he's made a big point of how Robin and I didn't engage with each other all that 
much on FFL, and how this showed Robin's indifference toward me. Now that he 
knows Robin and I were in private communication for much of the time Robin was 
posting here, he's having to backtrack and strike out in new directions to find 
a way to make his attacks.

 All of this makes me wonder whether the real reason he bailed on Fairfield 
Life was that Judy was starting to stalk him via email the way she's stalked so 
many people over the years on talk forums, and it was freaking him out. Maybe 
he was afraid she'd show up outside his door in Toronto.

 Can I put this post of Barry's in neon lights? This one has probably taken the 
proverbial cake. Eminent scholars take note - it doesn't get much better than 
this! Barry, there really is a God; I know this because if you knew how clearly 
your little theory indicates what you are inside you'd never show your deluded 
and ugly face here again. (Oh, and by the way, your theory stinks.)
It *does* sorta sound like she had -- and still has -- a rather unhealthy 
obsession going with the guy, doesn't it? 

 > ---In, sharelong60@ wrote: 
> Steve, I had a very similar thought. What kind of person calls fooling other 
> people the most fun ever? Doesn't sound balanced to me. Sounds a bit 
> arrogant. And is Judy quoting Robin about this? Or are these just her 
> feelings on the matter? 
> On Monday, February 10, 2014 6:33 AM, "steve.sundur@" steve.sundur@ wrote: 
> Really, the strange thing for me, is that both Judy and Robin consider this 
> the best time they had posting on FFL, or at least near the top. Judy said as 
> much a few days ago. Now what does that say about a person, or persons that 
> creating a parody just to see how many people they can fool is what they 
> consider great sport? 
> But maybe the real kicker is that if you accuse Judy and Robin of setting 
> traps for people, you will hear Judy recite chapter and verse (for the 
> umpteenth time) of what an honest person she is. 
> That's a "go figure" if ever there was one. 
> ---In, punditster@ wrote: 
> On 2/9/2014 8:24 PM, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@ wrote: 
> But you know, of course, that he completely repudiated what he'd written, 
> right? > 
> Most of Robin's writings appear to be parodies or total fibs. So far as I can 
> tell, Robin never repudiated his parody of Judy. But, according to Judy and 
> Ann, Robin told them in private email that it was a joke on the rest of us. 
> If that's true, then nobody on FFL will ever believe anything Robin ever 
> wrote or says again. And, now that we know that Robin, Ann, and Judy are 
> playing tricks on us pricks, will we never again believe anything they say on 
> FFL. 
> "I am surprised though, Judy, you would reveal this information about my 
> prior association with you before I started posting at FFL. But I will take 
> this as your need to express your hurt that I should turn on you like this. 
> Still, I think it was imprudent of you to do this. But the damage is done, 
> and we must live with it." 

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