I've been waiting for this one ever since I heard about it on whedonesque.com, 
and it arrived in my Pirate queue at the perfect time, just when I needed a 
little something to take the taste of "Top Of The Lake" out of my eyes. 
(Suffice it to say I was underwhelmed.)

This one's a hoot, one that might be appreciated by bhairitu and few others 
here, a sorta horror movie/adventure tale based on the concept of real-life 
fantasy role player geeks. Imagine Dungeons and Dragons played for real, by 
nerds, in a forest, with supernatural overtones. Or Pennsic, the annual 
gathering of the Society for Creative Anachronism (which I have attended), on 

Throw in Peter Dinklage (the best actor from "Game Of Thrones"), Ryan Kwanten 
(the hunk from "True Blood"), and...the nerdboy icing on the cake, everyone's 
favorite nerd princess...Summer Glau (River, from "Firefly") and you've got 
yerself a fantasy romp in the woods that will have every nerdboy in America 
jerking off into their hankies for weeks. 

Me, I just watched it...hankiless, and laughed my way through pretty much every 
minute. It was fun, something that Fairfield Life hasn't been for years, so I 
preferred it to paying any attention to the insane people here on FFL today. If 
you guys still think that anyone here deserves more attention, by all means 
focus on them. Me, I'd pick Summer Glau and fun anytime...


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