My Journey to India 2011 - Badarikashrama - The Mountain Home of God

[image: Inline image 1]

"At holy places you don't have to wait for miracles - they are all around

Diaries by Sacinandana Swami:<>

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Richard Williams <>wrote:

> A broad stairway leads up to a tall arched gateway, which is the main
> entrance. The architecture resembles a Buddhist vihara (temple), with the
> brightly painted facade also more typical of Buddhism temples.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> The main shrine houses the 1 m (3.3 ft) Shaligram (black stone) image of
> Badrinarayan, housed in a gold canopy, under a Badri Tree. The image of
> Badari Narayan is armed with Shankh (conch) and Chakra (wheel) in two of
> his arms in a lifted posture and two arms rested on the lap in Yogamudra
> posture.
> Vishnu in the form of Badrinath, is depicted in the temple sitting in
> padmasana posture. According to the legend, Vishnu was chastised by a sage
> who saw Vishnu's consort Lakshmi massaging his feet. Vishnu went to
> Badrinath to perform austerity, meditating for a long time in padmasana.
> Source:

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