My phrase "in some quarters" was ironic. I was referring, of course, to 
you-know-who. "Button pushing" is the term he himself uses for what he does 
because "trolling" has such disagreeable connotations. But most of his posts 
are, in fact, trolling; he is a troll, and the article's description of the 
troll personality fits him perfectly. 

 << trolling (known in some quarters as "pushing buttons") on the Internet:

 One of the greatest themes in trolling is the idea that you can spend one or 
two seconds of your time posting a button-pusher post, causing 10 other people 
to waste ten minutes of their time reacting, and even more people reacting to 
whoever got their buttons pushed first by the button pusher. Go figure.

 You seem to think by "button pushing" someone has the upper hand. First of 
all, button pushing is not necessarily that at all. What someone thinks is 
pushing someone's buttons might just be someone acting outrageously and 
ignorantly. They might actually think they are button pushing but all they're 
doing is acting like some sort of fool. So when others see these bozos they 
naturally have some impulse to let said bozos know they are making a fool of 
themselves. Simple. The button pushers are actually the ones wasting their own 
time while the others simply marvel at the stupidity of it. Now, you go do your 
sums. >>

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