Judy, I bet a lot of people on FFL did not even read a lot of those posts so I 
very much doubt the validity of your statement that "everybody here saw what 
went on between you and Robin."

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 4:48 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
<authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote:
We disagree that they might have found your accusation so impossibly 
unjustified that they would have become suspicious of anyone who used it. 
Remember, everybody here saw what went on between you and Robin.

<< Judy, I find the people on FFL to be intelligent and well read and I highly 
doubt that anyone here thought I invented the term. Nor do I think they would 
be suspicious of Carol regardless of what they thought of me. >>

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 4:20 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:

The folks here who saw you misuse the term "psychological rape" for your own 
malign ends might well have thought you invented it and therefore might have 
been suspicious of Carol's account. I wanted to ensure they didn't make that 

<< Judy, you are the troll in this situation, for bringing Robin and me into 
the thread about Carol and Knapp. >>

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 4:00 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:

Says Xeno the Troll, who is into saying extremely ugly things these days, and 
has not the vaguest notion of what kind of therapist Robin might have been 
(now, not 30 years ago). (Ironically, Xeno has convinced himself that he's in a 
position to advance FFLers' spiritual development by, among other things, 
attempting to push their buttons.)

<< Ah, if Robin was a therapist, I think it would safer to load all six 
chambers of a revolver, put it to your head, and pull  the trigger. >>

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