Questions and answers with Benjamin Crème, February 2014. For full review: 

 .You have taught much about our space brothers from nearby planets. But do you 
know of any interstellar races or species from far away galaxies? I would 
greatly appreciate your feedback because there is some information “out there” 
that is difficult to verify.
 A. I have no doubt that man exists throughout the universe. However, as far as 
my information is concerned, the Space Groups entering our atmosphere come 
exclusively from the planets of our own solar system. There are many claims 
that Space People come to this planet from the Pleiades and other far-off 
worlds but that is not my information. I think these claims arise because 
people generally believe (wrongly) the other planets of our solar system are 
 Q. Please comment on the safety of solar (sun) gazing for spiritual and 
physical advancement. Short progressive periods just after sunrise or before 
 A. My information is that it is not safe, that it is not good for the eyesight 
to focus on the sun for any length of time.

 Q. I would like to know, from your Master’s point of view, what is the maximum 
population that is advisable for a city to have in order to function more 
properly without problems of transportation, pollution, and others?
 A. Up to 3 million people.

 Q. I’ve read in your books that a vegetarian diet is one of the prerequisites 
for taking the first initiation. How strict should the vegetarian diet be for 
this purpose? Does it mean (1) avoiding eating animal meat and blood only or 
(2) does it extend to avoiding all food with animal origin like dairy products 
or eggs as well? (3) What about soups, for example beef or chicken soup (just 
plain soup without any meat left in it)? Does it fall into the same category as 
meat and has it the same detrimental effect in relation to initiation as meat?
 A. There is some misunderstanding in this question. It is true that the first 
initiation depends on the control of the physical elemental and for many this 
would mean a vegetarian diet, more or less. However, it is also true that there 
is no group diet for discipleship. Many regions of the world determine that the 
inhabitants have a diet rich in animal products. So it depends on the 
individual, where he or she lives, the necessities of their particular 
metabolism, whether they eat meat or vegetables or a mixture of both.

 Q. Is it okay to euthanize an animal? What time is the right time? Do we have 
the right to do this?
 A. If the animal is very ill or badly injured, it is a blessing for it to be 
‘put down’.

 Q. (1) Does the decision of some churches not to ordain woman priests and 
bishops relate in any way to the fact that men and women have different 
energetic polarities? (2) Is the polarity of the male physical body more suited 
to the receiving and using of the energy directed through them during church 
 A. (1) No. (2) No.

 Q. It has been well-recorded that people who have had ‘near death experiences’ 
often recall the divine light and feelings of incredible peace and love. They 
have a ‘review’ of their lives and one question is often asked: “What have you 
done for your fellow man?”
My question is, could the helping of animals be included in “Helping your 
fellow man”. If “yes”, would the helping of human beings have more importance? 
Or is just giving selflessly to any being of equal importance?
 A. Helping other human beings is of major importance.

 Q. It is my understanding that the Spiritual Hierarchy intervened directly (in 
the form of President Lincoln) in the American Civil War to preserve the union 
of American states and enable the US to take its proper role in the Great War 
of the 20th century. In light of recent state secessionist movements in the US, 
is there any hierarchical/karmic reason to preserve the American Union as now 
 A. Yes. It is the United States of America, for obvious reasons, one of the 
most important countries in the world.

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