Did you think you were commenting on something I said, Share? Or are you just posting to see yourself post?
<< Judy, I don't think of a meme as something that one only reads or hears. I think of it also as something that spreads as a behavior. >> I don't believe I commented on your usage of "meme," Share. I know what it means. What I wrote stands as I wrote it. << Judy, from online dictionary: meme is an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture. I was using it in the sense of an idea. Salyavin knew what I meant so my usage seems correct. For me, any idea that one MUST do something, especially something as innocuous as join a social media, is scary because it suggests that we humans aren't as developed as I like to think. >> On Friday, February 21, 2014 1:54 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote: FWIW, that isn't a "meme" I've ever heard or read. And if you did encounter it, I can't imagine why you'd find it scary rather than just silly. I wouldn't join Facebook if you paid me. (Well, maybe if you paid me a LOT...) << This is what I find scary about the whole thing: people think one HAS TO be on FB! Now where in the heck did that meme come from?! >>