Wiki is a sophmoronic source - full of generalities and misunderstandings.
   Most discussions about deity in the current theism/scientism debate are 
replete with Euro-American myopic views about Western philosophical-theological 
history and terms. This is particularly true about monotheism’s incipient 
onto-theology (as Heidegger uses that term).
   The idea that deity/god transcends both essence (hyperousia) and substance 
(hypostasis) is either unknown or unrecognizable in this debate by both sides.
  A short synopsis about Heidegger’s “OntoTheology”:
 For Heidegger, OntoTheology contributes to the oblivion or forgetfulness of 
Being. Indeed "metaphysics is Onto-Theo-logy," and Western metaphysics "since 
the beginning with the Greeks has eminently been both Ontology and theology." 
The problem with this intermixing of ontology and theology according to 
Heidegger's analysis, and the reason why Heidegger and his successors sought to 
overcome it, is at least twofold.
 First, by linking the philosophical with the theological, and vice versa, the 
distinctiveness of each respective discourse is clouded over. As such, the 
nature of philosophy as a factually unknown and structurally unknowable path of 
thought is restricted by an economy of faith. Likewise, with theology, as the 
science of faith, theology at its best testifies to the irreducible mystery of 
its source in revelation and to the unapproachable and incomprehensible aim of 
its desire in God. However, once theology becomes Onto-Theological that 
mysterious source and incomprehensible aim are reduced to the order of beings.
 Second, and on a more fundamental level, the OntoTheological problem is part 
and parcel of the overall degeneration of Western thought and the consequent 
troubles of Western technological culture. The problem, in a nutshell, is the 
human desire for mastery and OntoTheology contributes to this by presuming 
knowledge regarding the "first cause" of philosophy and the "highest being" of 
 According to Merold Westphal, Heidegger has three main objections to 
 First, it deprives the world of its mystery. Second, it gives us a God not 
worthy of worship. 
 In a famous passage, Heidegger complains that before the causa sui (a name for 
the God of onto-theology that emphasizes the need for an explainer that doesn’t 
need to be explained) no one would be tempted to pray or to sacrifice and that 
this God evokes neither awe nor music and dance. Onto-theology is hostile to 
 "Third, having deprived the world of both its mystery and of a God worthy of 
worship, onto-theology opens the way for the unfettered self-assertion of the 
will to power in the form of modernity, namely the quest of science and 
technology to have everything at human disposal. This is the ultimate hubris of 
western humanity, in which, under the banner of modernity, it arrogates to 
itself the place of Plato’s Good and the Christian God. Heidegger describes 
this self-coronation as an attack, an assault, an uprising, an insurrection."
 The óntōS Insurrection

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