Note: the expression "Holy Souls" in this context refers to those in Purgatory, 
having a degree of Holiness combined with varying degrees of the need for 
further purification;  but the term "purification" has different meanings than 
the same term in Buddhism (and what is called "Hindu" practices.)  Offhand, I'd 
say that the Buddhist/Hindu concept of "bad karma" is more extensive and 
inclusive than the Roman Catholic concept of "sins".  My take:  "sins' are a 
limited subset of karma and being a finite list, is not all-inclusive; since 
many acts can be in the bad karma category but not necessarily a "sin".  A 
major category would be (overall) bad decisions in life resulting in a 
diminishment of alignment with Natural Law. Thus, bad karma could not possibly 
be a finite list of certain individual acts, nor do I accept the lists shown in 
the Bible as even being "sins". For that reason, I long ago through my Bible 
into the trash, but still follow the rule "don't throw the baby out with the 
bathwater".  Various commentaries are sufficient for me.
 Between a. Ecumenical and mainstream Protestantism, b. Roman Catholocism, and 
c. Orthodox (Eastern) Christianity, I'd say that (c) provides the most 
inclusive compatibility with Buddhism/Hinduism by virtue of incorporating 
"Essence" (the nature of the Self); along with allegiance to the Creative 
aspect of existence.  But the interface to Buddhism/Hinduism obviously breaks 
down if one identifies the PERSONALITY of the Creative aspect as (specifically) 
: YHVH or the Traditional RC Trinity.  As soon as one identifices a Personality 
behind Creation, and rejects other "gods" as being Creators, one is boxed into 
the situation of irreconciable differences between ANY form of Christianity 
mentioning a Personality, vs other Personalities such as Krishna, Divine Mother 
forms such as Durga, Kali, etc.
 Forget about Ecumenical Christianity. and much of historical Roman 
Catholocism.  I'll just mention 2 cases:
 1. War against the Cathars by the Papacy at that time, and 2. St. Francis 
Xavier's travels to Western India (Goa) and hence to Japan.  The "Saint" 
trashed the Hindu Temples of Goa, stating that such "gods'" were devils. Now 
the RC uses more subtle tactics.  Ecumenical Christianity believes (as a 
whole), that if you don't accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you are going 
to Hell, from which there is no reprieve.  RC waffles on this issue saying that 
there might be some salvation for non-Catholic morally righteous people.
 ...But there is no compromise in Ecumenical Christianity.  Even if your 
Gandhi, your going to Hell regardless of of your moral status. (if you don't 
"believe" and have faith in Jesus as your personal Savior).
 ..... The first of Papczynski's gifts was received when he was in the Ukraine 
(#1 on the list at this article):

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