On 2/26/2014 9:56 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Did they work real good?
Apparently they worked real good since they were able to bring down the 
Berlin Wall.

All it takes is to be able to *cause change at will* using the mind's 
own mental powers. With a mind that is perfectly coherent a person can 
cause physiological changes in the the human body - they could for 
example become as light as cotton fiber. The advanced techniques in the 
AofE are so powerful that some siddhas can cause their body to lift up 
and hover. The first step in this is the hopping, followed by hovering, 
then actual flying. We know that Zen Master Rama employed these same 
techniques in order to fill a whole room with golden light and hover 
above a large crowd of people. So, I guess you could say they work real 
good. Go figure.

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