Since there seems such an new awakening-(shift-happens) and interest by 
non-governor and only TMO-watcher in 'Shankaracharya' et al at this 
some MOTHER DIVINE news from banks of the Sangam  at Allahabad.

 "In a move that challenges the male domination in the world of Hindu religion, 
sanyasins have formed their own independent 'akhada' (a religious formation) in 
complete defiance of the severe opposition by the All India Akhada Parishad and 
prominent sant-mahants.
 As if in a show of rebellion, lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta led a 
group of about 50 women seers in a procession from her camp in the Magh Mela 
area on the banks of the Sangam (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad. They 
marched on the Mahavir Marg up to the Sangam nose where they performed 'Ganga 
poojan' and 'Ganga abhishek' before proclaiming the formation of the new 
 The name of the new formation is quite a mouthful – Shri Sarveshwar Maha 
Baikunth Dham Mukti Dwar Akhada Parisampradaya.
 "Today, it is a day of independence for women in the world of religion and 
spirituality," Trikal Bhavanta said after performing the rituals. She said the 
new 'akhada' would get women pride of place in the religious hierarchy. 
Bhavanta said though women did hard work in all the 'akhadas', they were not 
allowed to rise in the seers' hierarchy. "This subjugation of women in the 
'akhada' system run by men will end now," she asserted.
 The All India Akhada Parishad president Mahant Gyan Das has rejected the 
all-women 'akhada' saying this was against religious traditions. "In the 
'akhadas' established by Adi Shankaracharya, there is no place for a separate 
one for women. The women seers get ample respect and honour in our 'akhadas', 
and have separate areas in each one of them," he said.
 But, Trikal Bhavanta is defiant. She says she would go to all four 
Shankaracharyas for recognition. She said her 'akhada' would also participate 
with its own flag in the Maha Kumbh at Nasik next year.
 "In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
 As per the system laid down by Adi Shankaracharya hundreds of years ago, there 
are 13 akhadas divided into four categories – sanyasi, bairagi, udaseen and 
nirmal. All these 'akhadas' have separate areas earmarked for the sanyasins 
living in them. The women seers also get 'deeksha' (anointment or initiation), 
and religious and spiritual education. However, they are allegedly kept 
involved in daily chores and not allowed to rise beyond mediocre levels.
 Interestingly, some top women seers are also opposed to the women's 'akhada'. 
"There is no need to form a separate 'akhada' for women. Established traditions 
should not be defied," says Santoshi Mata, 'mahamandaleshwar', Niranjani 
'akhada'. "Women are worshipped in our country, and in any case, once you are a 
sant, there is no difference between male and female," says Ma Gyanmayee, head 
of Atmashakti Peeth."
 Friday, 14 February 2014 by Deepak Gidwani-dna

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