I agree most heartily with the highlighted sentence below. 

That's what it would take, IMO -- more TV, movies, and books that portray the 
poor as human and those who oppress them as...uh...not so much. 

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2014 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Life in the real world

Yes, for some reason the "conservative" party want the UK to become the 51st 
state of America. You'd think with the name they'd want to "conserve" what was 
good about this place but their ideas about what is "good" stopped in 1870. 
Their entire mission seems to be dragging us back to workhouses and soup 
kitchens and blaming anyone who needs them as "losers", the undeserving poor. 
We need a new Charles Dickens, he started the revolution towards a fair society.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

I just wonder what people in the US do
when their unemployment runs out and they can't get food stamps
anymore and still can't find a job?  Do they go to the
"underground economy?"  Must be a big "underground economy" out

On 03/07/2014 10:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
>That's about the size of it. We've got a bunch of toffs
in power who have no experience of life other than in the
multi-millionaire mansions they grew up in. They started
the recession so they could re-engineer society (and they
used to admit it but that gets bad PR so they lie about it
now) and create a neo-liberal dreamworld for them and
their rich friends.
>The clever bit was conning the British public into
thinking that it's the long term unemployed and disabled
that are the enemies of economic growth! Talk about
twisted, but with the help of their friends in the
right-wing press the UK is flooded with a daily diet of
hate directed towards the unemployed and this justifies
all sorts of despicable harassment and cuts to benefits
and services that almost anyone might need to fall back on
one day. Except the multi-millionaire politicians of
course. Most people think it's a good thing because they
don't like to look behind the headlines of the Daily Mail
to find out what is really going on. 
>Here's an example, instead of having doctors assess
whether someone who is ill should be at work, the
government employs a bunch of unqualified sadists to
decide on the basis of whether you can pick up an empty
milk carton. Many people have died whilst trying to get
these decisions overturned but as so many win their case
in the appeal court (people with terminal cancer for
instance) the government has removed legal aid for benefit
claimants so they can't challenge. And next year they want
to start charging the penniless to try and win what they
need just to live a barely comfortable life.
>It's a masterful plan, they create the recession and
blame the poorest thus giving the self-righteous majority
an easy-to-hate figure but what they never admit is
that most people who claim welfare benefits are in work
and it's our grossly unfair and expensive housing market
that keeps so many in poverty. Luckily for the
government they chose their enemy well, the lowest
socio-economic groups aren't at all political and are
unlikely to try and organise a revolution, which is what
we really need. And the majority clearly believe the
lies. I'm ready to man the barricades any time!
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :
>Is it the best of times
or the worst of times? Things aren't so happy in 
>the UK these days.
>"Starved & evicted: Britain’s poor now treated
worse than animals"
>So it goes during this "Mother of All Depressions".
Perhaps the folks of 
>"PeopleVille" have a solution:
>Otherwise this may be the future:

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