Yep, thanks for clearing that up, Judy. English translation--give me a whole lot of $$ and I'll tell you the few words--um, I mean sutras--that will change your entire life forever. You will realize the entire spectrum of human possibilitiy, your mind will soar to new heights while your awareness will be transformed.

Then again, you just might end up broke.

Go on over to Trancenet, Paula, the whole spiel is all there--for free.


On Oct 17, 2005, at 10:52 AM, authfriend wrote:

"Maharishi emphasizes that successful performance of
the TM-Sidhi program...can occur only at the junction
point between the active mind and silent pure
consciousess.  He explains that, at the point where
the awareness has become so subtle as to merge with
the unboundedness of pure consciousness, the term
'thinking process' takes an entirely new form--it
becomes one with the self-interacting dynamics of
pure consciousness: 'One's own transcendental
consciousness, functioning within itself during the
TM-Sidhi Program, is the unified field functioning
within itself...."  Here, the mind is stationed at
the level from where the performance of sanyam [the
mental technique with which the intention is
entertained] can elicit the total organizing power
of the unified field to promote the desired effect
[i.e., the specific siddhi]."

Does that help any??

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