Give us Barabbas!

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:43 PM, "" 
<> wrote:
Iowans were born in nature to riot
for spirituality and equality for equal access and the protection in Natural
Law, that is also our history.  In the lofty ultimate equity of
rights of underlying in equal and fundamental rights of
transcendentalism, the establishment and protection by guarantee of
spiritual equal right as a bill of right is even why our people as pioneers and 
a larger modern transcendentalist meditating community presently like other 
historic communities in spirituality have come before to Iowa. 
Iowa has a long tradition of transcendent agitation for rights of
equal access. 

 These pundits are part of that riot for millenarian
revolutionary establishment of equal spiritual rights, and access for claim and 
establishment of the universal inalienable right for all in our civil lives the 
transcendent Unified
Field of life.  We are only now just at the barricades in what is a great
cultural spiritual struggle with material ignorance.  There is more
spiritual riot to do.  Transcendentalism is the progressive story of
America and constant agitation and rioting on behalf of the unified
field of equal rights is ultimately American, Iowan and human in

There is certainly a long tradition of spiritual rioting
in the Spring in Iowa.   Why, all the youth in Iowa was rioting on
all the college campuses in Iowa back in the late 1960's and the
1970's.   Iowa youth and some adults too.  Heck our Iowa youth did
not just throw some stones and make noise they threw bricks and
completely trashed commercial business windows in downtowns in Ames and Iowa
City.  You should have seen it when the agitation of spring moved our
rioting from sit-ins, teach-ins, and the mass meetings -moved to
occupying administrative offices and University buildings on the
Pentacrest at the University of Iowa and then our masses turned to
riot going over to trash the windows of the General Motors dealership
and all those GM car windows of GM cars out on the sales lots that
used to be the downtown of Iowa City where the big Marriott Hotel and
parking garage now stand.  “All we are saying is give peace a

These pandits are in a fine
tradition of civil disobedience in Iowa.  The long and active working
of the underground railroad and anti-slavery agitation in Iowa is of
that spring riot tradition for equal rights.  John Brown's assault in
riot of civil disobedience on the Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry
was mounted from IOWA, hosted by IOWANS and even with IOWA youth
going along in riot with John Brown.  Riot is not new to Iowa.
Rioting is in the dirt of our Natural Laws and is very much part of
what it is to be a Hawkeye.

Our state motto is, “Our Liberties
we Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain”.  Quite frankly I am
ready to put on a doty and charge the wire at the compound in
sympathy with our world-peace-making-chanting pandit friends up in
Vedic City.  It is completely within the laws of nature of Iowa to
riot.  When the famous chief Blackhawk was once a young buck he came
over to Iowa from Illinois with a band of like minded youthful
warriors in the spring of one year and completely annihilated the
Ioway Indians one day in riot.  Obliterated the Ioway.  But Iowa and
our Laws of Nature here did not die that day.  That spring day was
youth throwing more than rocks and heck, that happened just a few
miles west of Vedic City.

I think we should all be sympathetic
to the long progression of balancing equal rights for all that
is Iowa and of what it means to be Iowan.  These pandits are only the
expression of who we are anyway and they can not help themselves in
what is only natural here.  Let us go kindly on them and even be
helpful to them and their plight in Iowa.

An Old Iowa Meditator,
-Buck in the Dome

(3/11) UPDATE:BREAKING NEWS Pundit Campus Under ControlOn March 11, 2014 at 
0600 hrs,
the Jefferson 
County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by personnel of the
pandit project
on Invincible America Drive to assist the security
personnel as there 
was a pandit leader that was being escorted off the property
and they 
were worried that there would be problems. The Jefferson
Sheriff’s Office was there only to ensure the safety of
all involved.

Prior to the pandit entering the van to leave the property,
there were 
approximately 60 to 70 other pandits that had congregated in
the area. 
These pandits became increasingly agitated and resorted to
rocks at security and sheriff personnel. The pandit was
loaded in the 
van and as the van was leaving the area, a larger group of
pandits ran 
towards the front gate area. The van did exit the area and
was not 
stopped by the large group. The large group then knocked
down a gate 
that adjoins 170th street and started walking
east on 170th Street blocking the whole street.

The sheriff’s personnel attempted to divert the large
group back onto 
the pandit complex but were unable to do so. The group then
the marked patrol vehicle and threw rocks at the driver,
threw rocks at 
the back window breaking the window, they attempted to break
off the 
mirrors, kicked out a back light and were rocking the
vehicle. There 
were approximately 70-80 pandits surrounding the vehicle.
The sheriff’s 
vehicle was able to back away from the crowd and call for

The large group then continued east on 170th
street picking 
up rocks and debris and continued to throw these at the
vehicle. After some time, pandit personnel were able to stop
the group 
about ¼ to ½ of a mile from the property and after some
time were able 
to walk them back to the pandit property. Law enforcement
staged close to the entrance of the property on
170th street 
to contain the group if they did come back onto the roadway.
All units 
were able to go back into service at around 1000 hrs.
 Assistance was 
provided by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Reserve,
Fairfield Police 
Department, Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of
Transportation Vehicle
Enforcement, Iowa DNR law enforcement, Wapello County
Sheriff’s Office 
and the Fairfield Fire Department. No personnel were injured
during this

Feste37 writes:
This report is a disaster for the pundit program. I think the program should be 
shut down as it has obviously failed. To my knowledge, there has never been a 
riot like this in Fairfield.  It's an acute embarrassment for the movement and 
terrible for town-university relations.

mjackson74 writes:

This seems like unusually violent behavior for a group of men who spend their 
days reciting the vedic texts and doing yagyas for world peace. Usually when 
bad behavior manifests amongst the TM ranks, the official Movement position is 
that the people were not "on the program" not doing the program correctly - 
wonder what type of training in yagya these boys had.


On Tue, 3/11/14, TurquoiseBee <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
>>>>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fun with Pundits
>>>>>To: "" <>
>>>>>Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 6:38 PM 
>>>>>(3/11) UPDATE:
>>>>>BREAKING NEWS Pundit Campus Under ControlOn March 11, 2014 at 0600 hrs,
>>>>>the Jefferson 
>>>>>County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by personnel of the
>>>>>pandit project
>>>>>on Invincible America Drive to assist the security
>>>>>personnel as there 
>>>>>was a pandit leader that was being escorted off the property
>>>>>and they 
>>>>>were worried that there would be problems. The Jefferson
>>>>>Sheriff’s Office was there only to ensure the safety of
>>>>>all involved.
>>>>>Prior to the pandit entering the van to leave the property,
>>>>>there were 
>>>>>approximately 60 to 70 other pandits that had congregated in
>>>>>the area. 
>>>>>These pandits became increasingly agitated and resorted to
>>>>>rocks at security and sheriff personnel. The pandit was
>>>>>loaded in the 
>>>>>van and as the van was leaving the area, a larger group of
>>>>>pandits ran 
>>>>>towards the front gate area. The van did exit the area and
>>>>>was not 
>>>>>stopped by the large group. The large group then knocked
>>>>>down a gate 
>>>>>that adjoins 170th street and started walking
>>>>>east on 170th Street blocking the whole street.
>>>>>The sheriff’s personnel attempted to divert the large
>>>>>group back onto 
>>>>>the pandit complex but were unable to do so. The group then
>>>>>the marked patrol vehicle and threw rocks at the driver,
>>>>>threw rocks at 
>>>>>the back window breaking the window, they attempted to break
>>>>>off the 
>>>>>mirrors, kicked out a back light and were rocking the
>>>>>vehicle. There 
>>>>>were approximately 70-80 pandits surrounding the vehicle.
>>>>>The sheriff’s 
>>>>>vehicle was able to back away from the crowd and call for
>>>>>The large group then continued east on 170th
>>>>>street picking 
>>>>>up rocks and debris and continued to throw these at the
>>>>>vehicle. After some time, pandit personnel were able to stop
>>>>>the group 
>>>>>about ¼ to ½ of a mile from the property and after some
>>>>>time were able 
>>>>>to walk them back to the pandit property. Law enforcement
>>>>>staged close to the entrance of the property on
>>>>>170th street 
>>>>>to contain the group if they did come back onto the roadway.
>>>>>All units 
>>>>>were able to go back into service at around 1000 hrs.
>>>>> Assistance was 
>>>>>provided by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Reserve,
>>>>>Fairfield Police 
>>>>>Department, Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of
>>>>>Transportation Vehicle
>>>>>Enforcement, Iowa DNR law enforcement, Wapello County
>>>>>Sheriff’s Office 
>>>>>and the Fairfield Fire Department. No personnel were injured
>>>>>during this
>>>>>From: Rick
>>>>>Archer <rick@...>
>>>>>Tuesday, March 11, 2014 5:55 PM
>>>>>[FairfieldLife] Fun with Pundits [1 Attachment]
>>>>>from Rick Archer included below]
>>>>>See attached. 

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