From: ultrarishi <>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

The Fairfield Fight Club association has created a new form of MMA  (Mixed 
Martial Arts).  It will be called
MMY for Mixed Martial Yagyas.  Be afraid.
Good one. Just to finish up on this tempest in a pisspot topic, here are two 
last questions/koans for the diehard supporters of the TM pundit program:

First, those who feel that these kids are being compassionately lifted from the 
grip of poverty and being "taught a useful trade" that will allow them to 
support themselves in the future, can you tell me where else *other than* the 
TM movement, with its stockpiles of gullible contributors, they'll be able to 
find work chanting Vedic hymns? Is there a big market for this kinda "work" in 
India? When the TM movement folds and these kids try to apply their new skills 
in the open market, will there be a lot of opportunities waiting for them out 
there? And what will these jobs *pay*? Will it be more than $50 per month? If 
they don't, I've got a tip for the pundits -- learn how to make balloon animals 
at children's parties. It pays more, and is in many ways more dignified. 

Second -- and this one is for the homophobes here, of which we all know we have 
a few -- why haven't you spoken up about the practice of taking hundreds of 
young boys full of raging hormones and normal teenage sex-lust and penning them 
up in groups of sex-starved guys just like themselves in a barbed-wire compound 
in the middle of nowhere? They aren't allowed to leave, they aren't allowed to 
even *see* women, much less date them. Forget the homosexuality-promoting evils 
of Barney the Dinosaur and the Teletubbies and most recently "Frozen" -- how 
can you homophones *not* view the pundit program as anything *other than* a 
training ground for homosexuals? Then again, maybe being brought up with "Vedic 
values" will "take," and they'll grow up to be honorable, lifelong celibates 
like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Girish Varma.  :-)

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