Salyavin and Michael--knock, knock, anybody home?--Richard is trolling. 


 Ah yes, they are just being protected against some sort of Columbine-style 
massacre. That makes perfect sense..... as a piece of damage limitation.  

 You must work in the PR department, if not you should do. Some might even 
believe you. Except everyone here knows that the person you are really trying 
to convince is yourself. Must be tough having the dream crumble like that. From 
what I've read it's lucky no one got shot.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 3/14/2014 10:24 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > you're still an idiot - the barbed wire is generally not on school grounds
 In general there is a tendency in U.S. schools to increase the 
 protection of students by erecting all kinds of safety measures. Many 
 schools these days have locked doors with armed guards. Only a dummy 
 would get so mixed up in the head that they would think the children at 
 school are being held captive because there's a fence around the school 
 What have you been smoking?

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