Here's a list, of the 3,909 active satellites, orbiting the planet. I should 
think someone knows, or is close to finding out. Unfortunately, this one *does* 
take a rocket scientist (had to happen, eventually) --
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 So where's the fuckin' plane! Speaking of practical benefits. (-:

---In, <> wrote :

 Yeah, so true, and well said - I like to find a practical benefit in such 
wisdom, otherwise I tend to lose interest. One that has occurred with more and 
more frequency, with me, is not having to consciously try to remember the 
masses of data I have absorbed over the years. Living more as a concentration 
of the infinitely greater wholeness, vs. a more rigidly isolated entity, it 
makes chunks of that wholeness more easily available, once the relationship to 
everything else is seen as more myself, than not. Someone recently expressed 
the idea that even our thoughts are not really our own. Not as a means of 
disavowing responsibility, but rather, locating the source of each, as 
something available to all of us, at any time. I enjoy playing along the line 
of me/not me, dissolving the apparent boundary between the two, through 
discovery, integration, and expansion.
What a life.
---In, <> wrote :

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.”

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I found this to be a very interesting take on old Deepak

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