Damn! Of all the experiences I might have imagined having via FFL, I never 
imagined death threats!

Shall I call the Jefferson County Sheriff and the Department of Homeland 
Security and tell them I have received a death threat? 

Shall I e-mail Rick and suggest your message has crossed the boundaries of 
decency and violates the rules of FFL and you must be forever cast into outer 
darkness on FFL?

Shall I hire a bunch of non-TM trained pundits to do a yagya for getting rid of 

No, I think I will point out the hilarity of a peace and love touting fellow 
who claims to be dedicated to creating world peace who wishes to resort to 
killing when someone disagrees with him. Jai Guru Fanaticism!

As to your scurrilous accusations and statements, perhaps the Unity people who 
said they did TM once upon a time were being polite to spare your feelings by 
not saying "Yeah, I did TM and found it was not for me, so I went on to things 
that actually provided me with fulfillment." 

I bet that not one of those individuals said to you that TM led them to where 
they are today. You are projecting and fantasizing about their mention of TM 
meaning more than it actually did.

I do not "methodically dissuade" my friends. I share with them that are open 
enough to look at a point of view that is not dictated by a group that claims 
to be working for world peace, yet always seems to fall far short of the goal, 
so they need more donations to keep up the good work. 

I am not seeking to sink anything based in science as the research on TM is 
dubious at best and the "research" on Marshy Effect is laughable. As I have 
said many times, the governments of most Third World countries would mandate 
every citizen do TM and TM Sidhis if the ME was real. They do not, because it 
does not. Period. The TMO's assertions that it IS all science based is itself 
based on the incredible hubris of Mahesh Varma himself who was arrogant enough 
to think he could buffalo people outside the Movement. Give me a billion 
dollars and I'll create world peace? Jesus!

Nor is my stance anti-spiritual. I take issue with people and organizations 
that misrepresent themselves, abuse and mistreat people and ask for everything 
for themselves and toss people aside if they don't give the organization what 
it wants. 

I see by your charge of diabolical you seem to agree with my old friend in DC 
who claims I am in league with the demons. You have gone round the bend. 

Just know that I am not closed minded. If the TMO had EVER proven any of its 
many fatuous claims, I would be living in Fairfield and sitting next to you in 
the Dome or I would be a Re-certified TM Governor of the Global Country of 
World Peace striving each day to create world peace. I would be the Global 
Country of World Peace Minister of Fried Chicken, Biscuits and Gravy, magically 
providing vittles for the world's hungry out of that bag Guru Dev once had that 
he could produce vittles from.  

By the way, you are as full of poop as a Christmas goose to say that 
spirituality stems from being initiated into TM. What nonsense! It doesn't keep 
you from being spiritual, but it certainly doesn't make you spiritual. How 
could it with TM being a purely secular mental technique according to the 
Global Country of World Peace and all its subsidiaries? 

On Wed, 3/19/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa  and  Unity 
Village Kansas City
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014,       
  . ..stems from being initiated into
 MJ, you bet.  More experience of the
 transcendent as the unified field is the basis of spiritual
 and transformation, call that cultivation a transcendent
 however you want; transcending can go by different names
 but it in large nature is all the same.  These people were
 glad to
 have run in to TM as it was taught and started something for
 themselves then.  Now, otherwise it is something else to
 wonder that
 you methodically dissuade your friends
 meditating and rejoice in that.  That you actively work to
 sink transcendental meditation and consciousness-based
 education.  That is incredibly anti-science and
 ultimately anti-spiritual.  It is shocking and diabolical. 
 I can
 empathize with Obama now. Were I President Obama securing
 the nation
 I'd have you straight-away on the drone list as a
 dangerous plotting
 enemy-combatant to civil society.   I was going to suggest
 that may
 be you could get your own meditation checked for efficacy at
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 writes:
 Come on Buck -
 saying that what these folks are doing now stems from being
 initiated into TM is like saying an adult man is a great
 lover because of all the jerking off he did as a pimply
 adolescent teen.
 The Unity folks actually do have programs and a feeling for,
 as you said, the elderly and families with children in stark
 contrast to the Movement which has always looked upon all of
 us as money producers - the TMO program is, if they
 aren't producing money and support for us, get rid of
 The difference in the two points of view should be enough to
 send any sensible person away from TM and to something more
 meaningful. I am happy to report that one of my old friends
 who has done TM since 1972 recently ceased his TM practice
 because he could no longer justify doing a practice he could
 not in good conscience recommend. A good deal of his change
 of mind and heart had to do with the info I shared with him
 in the past 2 years, much of which was gleaned here on FFL.
 All glory to FFL! Jai Guru Truth and Common Sense!
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa  and
  Unity Village Kansas City
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 2:08 PM
 Egg, Maybe the Transcendent is possibly
 more than you are cracking your TM meditation
 brain wave TM research up to be and these people are
 meditators still  growing in Spirituality may be as
 something more
 than just alpha wave coherence.  Touting alpha coherence as
 some gold
 standard is not to say that these people have not taken TM
 in experience in to their lives in different ways, like in
 to the
 heart of the subtle system which Fred Travis and his
 cohorts are not even close to understanding
 These were pretty
 illumined people
 [Meissner-like Field Effect of consciousness].  I'd
 grant them some
 thing good that came of doing TM as new meditators years
 may be
 even larger than global-alpha-wave-coherence in just doing
 TM.   Egg,
 If you came down off your high horse and sat with them too
 you too could even welcome them as effective [Transcending]
 meditators in life.With Kind
 Regards,    -Buck in the
 sparaig writes:
 The fun thing about such folk
 is that they've missed the point that TM's effects
 continue to accumulate, even 50+ years into the practice,
 dabbling in it for a few years or decades means that
 they've missed out on the accumulated effects.
 Of course, one
 could claim that they have stopped breathing for every
 meditation period as they enter PC immediately and remain
 there, and therefore don't need to do TM any more, but
 no-one has ever been observed to show that so the
 that all of the Unity people were in that state seems slim,
 to me.
 Meditation, TM ?   One
 of the Unity ministers from California told of an active
 Unity laity minister who just started TM that found it very
 Everyone older at the coffee table discussion acknowledged
 TM back in the day,  “Oh yes, TM everyone [they] started
 with that
 years ago.. tried and true”.  “Nice technique well
 taught”.  .
 But  in their spiritual lives they went on to other things
 like affecting healing-prayer and meditation sort of like
 TM-sidhis of the subtle system in practice of healing and
 prayer in a
 higher level of spiritual practice and
 In Unity
 congregations, serving both
 the families with children and the elderly-in-transition
 strategies intertwined for a succession.  Likewise TM
 Foundation] is very consciously looking at teaching TM
 student populations which was so long neglected by the
 centric movement of Bevan and Maharishi's
 for years
 and recent decades gone by now.  The Unity ministers
 recognized too
 that the generation of the 1980-90's got skipped, the
 neglecting within their studies the liberal arts, the
 classics and
 spirituality for their MBA's and other technical and
 degrees got missed entirely by spiritual movements.  .  The
 These particular
 ministerial communitarian spiritual Unity people I spoke
 with are
 busy at it providing services to people with younger
 families now and
 looking out for the elderly who are still active but
 potentially "in
 transition"; the older who though elderly are
 independent and well
 before moving to assisted living, moving away to where
 kids live, or to nursing homes or hospice end-of-life. 
 Talking with
 these active ministers is like talking with the active
 Foundation TM teachers and some of the successful TM.org
 teachers now.  They have a lot of shakti in their
 In talking with
 these active Unity
 ministers it's like what we have seen in TM, that the
 WWII generation
 that recognized what was going on spiritually and shared
 success and support by the checkbook is pretty much
 gone now.  The traditional WWII generation is pretty much
 gone now.
 Now the baby-boom, the “spiritual
 but not-religious” atheistic individualistic
 'in-it-for-yours-truly' sorts are not yet
 there to supporting
 altruistically much good in community works.   A couple of
 California ministers were saying a challenge in Marin Co.
 where they live is that only 4 percent of their populations
 attend a
 church.  4 percent.  The rest? They go hiking for
 themselves, have
 membership in fitness centers, and may be go to a yoga
 studio for
 their community and spirituality.
 These ministers I
 interviewed over
 coffee were front-line with active large communities who
 visiting back on a conference at Unity Village sharing
 movement's challenge.   Within TM we have seen this
 trend too as our
 TM elders who facilitated the late 1950's, 60's,
 1970's TM
 movement with Maharishi have pretty much all passed away
 their check-books gone too.  There are some baby-boomers
 are able
 and community minded with resources but they are fewer now
 too from
 the heady days of a few years ago.  A lot of the
 TM meditators left the TM movement in the
 Likewise, a security person there
 reflecting on the Unity Village campus spoke in
 3rd person
 about how just 10 years ago Unity V. was still a happening
 place with a lot of people there and has really since
 dropped off to
 not much now in the last five years or so.
 The challenge the
 Unity movement see there with these elders-in-transition
 is that those deeper and sustaining check-books move with
 elderly and consequently those deeper check-books move away
 supporting their local Unity churches and the larger Unity
 the baby-boomers are not as able or interested in keeping
 support behind their parents.
 Their challenge
 as a movement now
 out in the world is the competitive marketplace in
 spirituality where
 fewer and fewer places have demographics with spiritual
 church-attending people.  I sat with some ministers from
 and Texas Unity churches, their comment was around their
 engaging young families and middle-age 40's with
 families with
 programming like schools, services and such and then
 attending to their 'transitional-elderly' who
 are being removed
 from their independence around by their baby-boomer kids,
 moving from
 their active communities and churches in to care facilities
 away from
 their communities.
 Like TM
 now, their [Unity] founding
 generations are passed and gone and their successive
 continuing elders then of the 20th Century height of their
 movement (1920-30-40-50's) are
 gone now too with their deep check-books. 
 Like TM now
 is post-founder,
 the trick their Unity foundation boards of trustees are
 dealing with is
 trying to keep engaged whatever subsequent
 members there are of their Unity Churches out in the world
 so that
 when those folks [baby-boom] pass away some of their
 check-books can
 come to support the physical-plant of even their Unity
 Village in Kansas.
 was in Unity last nite and
 meditated there this morning too.  Unity Village, Kansas
 City.   Was
 there last week too passing through.  It was really a nice
 place to meditate.
 The chapels were nice places to
 meditate.  They were a bunch of
 spiritual transcendentalists that came out also at the time
 of the
 New Thought Movements [google New Thought later for
 the fun of
 it] of the late 19th and early 20th
 Century who though fundamentally transcendentalists in
 experience couched themselves in 'practical
 christianity'.  Was a big deal in its time.  Unity
 Village in Kansas City, Mo. is
 sort of like Fairfield, Iowa is now to the TM movement in
 the USA.
 An artifact of a time.-Buck back in the Meditating
 Community of Fairfield,
 Iowa  ......

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