What we all need to understand about Share is that for her, avoiding 
acknowledging reality is a WIN; that's what she enjoys. It makes her feel SMART 
to mislead, to be disingenuous, to twist words, to obfuscate, even to lie 
outright. What she doesn't realize is that she's not very good at it, so it 
actually makes her look DUMB because what she's doing is so obvious. 


 Ann, I said it was an interesting idea. That's not dismissing. I said I didn't 
agree. That's not dismissing either. More importantly, since it wasn't what you 
meant, that idea wasn't my focus. BTW, I also don't agree that it's a 
"straightforward" idea as you say.    

 Emily, it's interesting that you say I'm using Apple because I'm communicating 
with people who are using Apple. Interesting but I don't agree. Also, I enjoy 
learning new stuff like that there are Apple stores and genius bars. As for 
uncomfortable feelings...tap, tap, tap...  

Hmm, interesting interpretation by Emily and one I had not thought of as a 
possibility when I conjectured that Sharon did not "use" an Apple computer. 
See, this is what I like about different people contributing to a thought or a 
conversation - they can bring to it all sorts of new dimensions and ideas. Now, 
what is also fascinating is to see Sharon dismiss, out of hand, the idea that 
she is "using" an Apple by reading and responding to posts made by Apple 
computers. On one level, of course she is using or, alternatively, utilizing 
the technology of an Apple because if it weren't for that type of computer 
Ann's or Emily's posts would not be able to be perceived here. It seems as if 
you, Share, have perhaps not considered this idea carefully enough. Or maybe 
you just feel like defying Emily for her rather straightforward and,  might I 
add, challenging theory. Isn't this fun and enlightening?


 On Friday, March 28, 2014 6:22 PM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> wrote:
   Ha ha ha.  Blah, blah, blah.  What Share, *what* is an "interesting 
perspective?"  The fact that you do reduce things to "right and wrong?"  Try 
this on for "interesting." Maybe you really *did* take the tiniest, barely 
noticeable, exception to the fact that Ann and I were teasing you about not 
knowing that Apple has stores and "genius bars," but you didn't want to admit 
it (that would require admitting to a possibly uncomfortable feeling), so, 
instead, you denied it and told her she was "wrong."  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Emily, that's a very interesting perspective.

 On Friday, March 28, 2014 1:56 PM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> wrote:
   That's not the point Share.  How do you know that "you do not use Apple 
computers" is a *true* statement? Depends on how you define the word "use" 
maybe?  Maybe you "use" them indirectly as both Ann and I have Apple products 
that we "use" to post here and you are "using" my post to reply to.  I'm not 
judging the "appropriateness" of your choice of "right" and "wrong", I'm just 
reminding you that, based on what you wrote, you *do* reduce things to "right" 
and "wrong", thus invalidating or rendering inconsistent your statement that 
you don't think like that.  My answer to your answer is "I don't know."  Smile. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 So Emily, when Ann wrote about me "you do not use Apple computers" what do you 
think would have been an appropriate answer?!

 On Friday, March 28, 2014 1:28 PM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> wrote:
   Ok, if you say so. (RIGHT) I figure you are not very savvy technically 
(RIGHT) and that you do not use Apple computers.(RIGHT) I figure you did not 
know Apple Stores existed (RIGHT) nor did you realize how cool they are, all 
simplistic design, glass and that they call their computer experts "geniuses". 
(RIGHT) I figure you figure that getting out of FF twice a year amounts to some 
sort of cultural pinnacle (WRONG) and I figure you took exception to me making 
fun of the fact you don't know about Apple Stores.(WRONG) Is that enough 
figuring for one day do you think? (DON'T KNOW)


 Well Share, you indicated 5 rights, 2 wrongs, and 1 don't know. it appears 
that you *do* look at at least some things in a right and wrong kind of a way.  
Are you *sure* you know enough to use those terms, even as you apply them to 
you? Very black and white thinking, imho. I am surprised that you didn't know 
that Apple stores even existed!  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Well Emily, Ann was making assumptions about me and I was giving her feedback 
about her assumptions about me...

 On Friday, March 28, 2014 12:40 PM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> wrote:
   I understand what you are saying Share, but you still "interpreted" her 
"figuring" as "right and wrong."  Are you experiencing cognitive dissonance 
right now - in the sense that your behavior is not in line with your beliefs?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 But Emily I was replying to what Ann wrote which was all about figuring...

 On Friday, March 28, 2014 11:59 AM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> wrote:
   But Share, we are talking about what you wrote, not what Ann wrote.  You are 
slipping into your shadow side again. :)  Stand up Sweetie...you wrote it.  








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