On 3/29/2014 2:50 PM, Share Long wrote:
> Richard, I admit I feel compassion for this Lenz fellow if he got into 
> altering the perceptions of other people psychically. No wonder he 
> ended up committing suicide.
Yes I agree, we all should feel compassion for Lenz. And for Barry too, 
for going through all this, so we don't have to.

Barry walked the walk, but now he's not talking the talk, since he 
turned 180. Go figure.

Look what happened to Barry after all those years of trance-induction 
and mind control. You never know what is going to happen when you are so 
susceptible to suggestion and you come under the hypnotic influence of a 
master magician like Lenz. From what I've read, Lenz made don Juan Matus 
look like a piker.

> Anyway, just in case you're still wondering as Emily suggests: I have 
> not experienced the 2nd stage of yogic flying. Go figure!

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