that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on TM 
is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, 
relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear with 
the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by regular TM 
and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems will go away if 
one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house. 

yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as commit 
suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target students 
for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud (like 
Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about the 
behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you 
have kept Dome numbers low.

You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong with 
them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay it off 
on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM and 
its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO and say there 
are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those 
factors, that's what the TMO says.

So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more 
esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by the 
Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS 
ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So you have to 
make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for 
some people and some people are very decent folks whom I have known who are 
True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM. As to TM teachers, its the 
same thing. If they would have been decent people without TM, they are with TM 
and if they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 

One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not seen 
him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence course I 
ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit 
answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he treated everyone 
he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta 
TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several 
South Eastern states and who taught my third residence course was an arrogant, 
abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch and while I have not seen him in years 
either, I bet he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except for 
one thing:

It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene Speigel, 
Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that 
arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve? The 
one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons of bitches and 
those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM makes no dent in 
one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and that is much like Nazi 
Germany, those who were most like the leader -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem 
to rise to the top levels of the TMO - must be collective karma.

Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel nice 
inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes mental 
instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too - you can lay 
it off on their "personal karma" or whatever you like, but the rubber never 
meets the road where TM is concerned and you have to make excuses for the 
practice and for the TMO. I know that you personally David believe that TMSP 
will save the world, and God Bless you for your desire to make that happen, but 
I hope you are not holding your breath as you wait.
On Tue, 4/1/14, <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:55 AM
       Bad socialization in an upbringing can be seen
 anywhere in a
 people at any station.  Evidently even in thel growing
 There is certainly Nature and there is certainly nurture in
 person.  People are born in to the temple as the human
 nervous system
 that comes with some manufactured standard equipment [OEM]
 consciousness, egos, mind, heart and intellect.  And then
 there are
 the families and communities they are born in to.  We should
 overlook the significance of poor to middling upbringings of
 some of
 those even in the TM movement to explain some of their
 behavior aside
 from some factors around illumination on a scale of
 actually Dr. David Hawkins the late great Western sage had a
 lot to say about this thing of ethical behavior and
 consciousness too.
 I feel MJ here is making way to much of a fuss about all
 this stuff
 in the past.  Seems like abnormal fussiness.  Evidently as
 any socio-pathology the thing to do to protect a community
 or any
 organization from bad behavior is to have metrics for
 performance to
 judge people by. Aside from norms the science seems to say
 that the sociopaths show
 themselves for who they are when there are standards of
 performance.  That is good information in getting
 along: groups and organizations beware and protect
 yourselves accordingly,  -Buck
 turquoiseb writes:
 That was
 probably the problem with the rioting pandits, too...their
 upbringing. Nothing to do with TM at
 Actually the
 attorneys general protecting the general public have
 put most the crooked community meditators out of business
 either in
 to jail or barred from at least security business, some
 barred for
 life.  It is not that these
 bad-minded ones were meditators but much more
 likely examples of asocial bad-upbringing.  Much more likely
 they were victim of their poor upbringings from where ever
 they came
 from.  Those
 crooked while certainly part of the old story of
 Fairfield, Iowa hardly represent the larger good of the
 community of Fairfield, Iowa.
 Om, just to be a
 more accurate about some things mentioned below for any
 looking in, it was [International Trading Group] ITG
 accounts with made up information that the SEC sanctioned. 
 was taking in good people's money from the community at
 their front
 door while loading it out the back door as they were filing
 bankruptcy.  Beckley's and his people was a different
 route of
 consumer fraud played on people.-Buck
 Yes, and thanks
 be to the Unified Field for the States
 Attorneys Generals out there doing the good work of
 protecting us all
 as the larger and civic [meditating] community from bad
 people doing bad things.
 just as soon "invest" my money with Ed
 have been a bunch of them there in Fairfield, haven't
 there? My favorite TM business scam story to date is one
 that someone shared here right after I first began posting
 on FFL about the Movement asking for "investors"
 to create an ayurvedic clinic there in Fairfield and the
 investors would get their money back, plus profit sharing
 and discounts on products and services - and the minute the
 Movement had the money the immediately reneged on the deal,
 saying all the "investors" would be re-payed only
 with the discounts - no profits, no return of initial
 investments, nothing! My favorite!
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:
 Fairfield Venture Fund
 Telegroup?  I would think
 they'd beashamed to even mention the
 name.  Crooks, liars andthieves sure love to do
 highfalutin' sounding enterprises.  
 Is this another
 Sorry guys, maybe your intents are pure, but look at the
 track history of "faith-based" businesses in
 Fairfield -- if you're not going to address all the
 failures -- especially of the businesses that seemingly
 the movement line, then, hey, you're just
 How'z about someone in this new group explains how
 USAGlobalLink failed, or how it was okay for Kaplan to
 "steal" the business of Reading's Fun from
 former partner or how Telegroup [ITG] "just made up
 advice" to their customers in order to churn the

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