Must have been something excitable, what with all the trouble they gave the 
black skinned Rakshasas in the Golden Age...

 I think Soma and the Gods would make an excellent band name.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Somehow the post title reminds me of "Reuben and the Jets."  (Or maybe "Soma 
and the Gods" would make a good band name).
 So the vedic seers were meth heads? :-D 
 On 04/03/2014 11:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
   Indeed, and why bother? Anyone who has read the 9th Mandala of the Rig Veda 
will know it's a drink made from plant extracts.

 Soma (Sanskrit सोम sóma), or Haoma (Avestan, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *sauma-, was a Vedic ritual 
drink[1] of importance among the 
early Indo-Iranians, and the 
subsequent Vedic and greater 
Persian cultures. It is frequently mentioned in the Rigveda, whose Soma Mandala contains 114 hymns, many praising its 
energizing qualities. In the Avesta, Haoma 
has the entire Yašt 20 and Yasna 9-11 dedicated to it.
 It is described as being prepared by extracting juice from the stalks of a 
certain plant. In both Vedic and Zoroastrian tradition, the name of the drink and 
the plant are the same, and also personified as a divinity, the three forming a 
religious or mythological unity.
 There has been much speculation concerning what is most likely to have been 
the identity of the original plant. There is no solid consensus on the 
question, although some Western experts outside the Vedic and Avestan religious 
traditions now seem to favour a species of Ephedra, perhaps Ephedra sinica


 Sounds speedy!

<sharelong60@...> mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Ann, I think it would be pretty involved and costly for the TMO to perform 
endoscopies on hundreds of sidhas in order to have a valid study about soma in 
the stomach! For one thing, I've always been put under when I have mine done. 
 On Thursday, April 3, 2014 8:49 AM, "awoelflebater@..." 
mailto:awoelflebater@... <awoelflebater@...> mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

<mjackson74@...> mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 I just found it interesting - as I said I think, somehow this particular 
document had escaped my attention. I was told during the sidhi prep courses 
that we produce soma in the stomach and only if we have soma being produced can 
we have experiences of "higher" states of consciousness. That's what the 
governors who taught the courses told us and those would be Greg Palma, Walter 
Gibbons and Paul Potter (for those here who love to have sources quoted). But 
nothing was ever said about the gods eating it and giving us blessings as a 

 It would be logical, I would think, for the Movement to have used some of 
their science-y minded people to test the stomachs of meditators for this 
supposed soma. Not that hard to do. Stick a scope down there and check it out, 
retrieve samples. I am sure there would have been hundreds of eager 
participants. Surely, this is so easy to prove or disprove - maybe not on the 
presence of soma-sucking Gods - but on the existence of soma at least.
 I had no idea such a tape existed and I wanted to hear from the TM teachers 
here to see if they had seen the tape and what they thought of it at the time 
they saw it. That's all. 



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