salyavin, probably his book publicist thought up that phrase. But that would 
mean that Sem agreed for that phrase to be used, doesn't it? I'm not familiar 
with how much control an author has over the selling of his or her book and all 
the various steps included in that process. 

As for his faking it, I don't know enough about schizophrenia to know if that 
is even possible to fake. 
But I do know some of the details about what transpired between his first 
stabbing and the second one which was fatal. Knowing those details, questions 
arise in my mind. But the justice system has already spoken so that's that.

If his book helps some people, than that's good. I think it's good when 
something beneficial can come even out of such a horrible tragedy.

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 9:41 AM, salyavin808 <> wrote:

I don't get that he was boasting about it. But he did murder the guy and not 
guilty by way of insanity is obviously the correct decision as it wasn't 
premeditated or deliberate. Insanity is a legal term which means you aren't 
responsible for your actions.

You would only be right in objecting to him writing about it in a book about 
schizophrenia if you think he faked it to get a shorter jail term.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Good catch, feste, that bit about Sem now seeming to boast about being a 
murderer when he was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. I guess 
he really wants his book to be a bestseller which is understandable. But 

On Monday, April 7, 2014 9:28 PM, feste37 <> wrote:

This whole
tragic incident was discussed extensively on FFL at the time it happened. I
never heard the phrase "The Maharishi Murderer." I think Sem has just
made it up to get publicity for his book. I also find it regrettable that he
uses the word "murder" in the title. It's as if he is laughing at the
justice system. After all, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, but
now he wants to boast about being a murderer. Disgusting. 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

I was pretty surprised too - I think if he just said that he had mental 
problems and this is how he dealt with it, that would be one thing, but using 
the handle that apparently was given him by the press is capitalizing on what 
he did - not the first killer to do so, but opportunistic I think. I wonder if 
the Butler family knows he is doing this? Wonder what happened to the guy he 
got the knife from, Joel Wysong? Did MUM censure him for poor judgement at all?

Another interesting thing that I got from an article about this is former MUM 
professor Dr Kai Druhl. I looked him up online and see that he has a TM story 
to tell - after years of TM and being governor and MUM faculty, he jumped ship 
and has very little good to say about TM - he's a born again Christian. This is 
what he said about MUM at the time of the murder

"Dr Kai Druhl taught physics at the university for 13 years. He has since left 
to teach at a college 20 miles away after becoming disenchanted with the 

He said: 'There were certainly initial benefits for some of the students but 
the promise of complete enlightenment is just not true ... it just doesn't 
happen and I saw how this intense meditation can damage some students, 
particularly if they have mental problems.'

Druhl recalled a student with schizophrenia being told to come off his 
medication, as meditation along with a herbal remedy would cure him. The 
student had a major breakdown.

Druhl described a culture where such events were treated as 'top secret'. He 
said: 'There was a definite understanding between staff members that you must 
not allow any bad news to leak out. You were required to keep up this image of 
a perfect campus at all costs."

On Mon, 4/7/14, feste37 <> wrote:
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer
>>Date: Monday, April 7, 2014, 10:47 PM
>>I find this utterly appalling and repellant. This
>>man should not make money from the murder of Levi Butler.
>>Whoever encouraged him to write this book and make himself
>>available for lectures and God knows what should not have
>>done so. This man should perform penance in private and be
>>very humble about it. He was given a second chance; Levi got
>>no chance at all. 
>>---In, <mjackson74@...>
>>wrote :
>>New Autobiography
>>Gives Insight into Maharishi Murder
>>Tue, 19 Feb 2013, 14:47:52 EDT
>>Edited by Debra Tone
>>LANCASTER, Pa., Feb. 19, 2013 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- It is
>>a story that could only be written by one person. A
>>compelling autobiography that not only pushes the boundaries
>>of sanity, it takes readers on a frightening voyage to meet
>>it face-to-face. 'Murder and Misunderstanding; One
>>Man's Escape from Insanity' (ISBN-13:
>>978-1479256969) is the story of Shuvender Sem, who on March
>>1, 2004 became known as 'The Maharishi Murderer.'
>>LANCASTER, Pa., Feb. 19, 2013 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- It is
>>a story that could only be written by one person. A
>>compelling autobiography that not only pushes the boundaries
>>of sanity, it takes readers on a frightening voyage to meet
>>it face-to-face. "Murder and Misunderstanding; One
>>Man's Escape from Insanity" (ISBN-13:
>>978-1479256969) is the story of Shuvender Sem, who on March
>>1, 2004 became known as "The Maharishi Murderer."
>>The murder took place in Fairfield, Iowa, on the campus of a
>>university that prided itself on non-violence. The Maharishi
>>University of Management used a variety of techniques
>>towards its non-violent goals including twice-daily use of
>>Transcendental Meditation. It was to no small degree that
>>this setting put the murder in the national spotlight.
>>In one moment Sem was a college student. In the next he was
>>"The Maharishi Murderer." Shuvender killed
>>freshman Levi Butler without provocation on the campus by
>>stabbing him four times in the chest with a paring knife.
>>The murder took place following an incident earlier in the
>>day when Sem stabbed a student with a pen. That previous
>>incident led to the student getting seven stitches to his
>>Deemed competent to stand trial, the judge ruled he was
>>"not guilty by reason of insanity" at the request
>>of both the defense and the prosecution. Against popular
>>belief, NGRI is an extremely rare plea, used in less than
>>one percent of criminal cases. A not guilty result is even
>>more uncommon, occurring just one-quarter of one percent of
>>the time.
>>Now, after years of psychotropic medications and intense
>>therapy, Shuvender is telling his story of schizophrenia in
>>his autobiography, "Murder and Misunderstanding; One
>>Man's Escape from Insanity." It is not only an
>>extremely rare look into the mind of a killer from his own
>>perspective, but it is also a deeply personal story that
>>explores the darkest, most grim places of the mind.
>>"Our mental health system is broken. We need to fix
>>this before more crimes are committed," says Sem.
>>In his book, Shuvender tells of his relationship with his
>>father, and the events that led to that day on campus. He
>>describes his struggle with, and eventual escape from this
>>misunderstood illness. It is a story of recognition and
>>realization. A story of redemption desired, and hope
>>delivered. It is a book written to serve as a beacon for
>>those with schizophrenia and their families, by a man who
>>was held in its strongest grips, and managed to escape.
>>Shuvender Sem, or Shubi as he is known, now speaks publicly
>>about his experience with schizophrenia in the hopes of
>>helping others. He is available for presentations and
>>Q&A sessions for law enforcement, mental health groups,
>>attorney associations, academic institutions and others who
>>may feel they can benefit from his story.
>>The self-told story of Shuvender Sem, "Murder and
>>Misunderstanding; One Man's Escape from Insanity"
>>is available at
>>. The book is available in paperback; as well as Kindle,
>>iPad and Nook digital editions. 

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