Western teachings on yoga are broken in lots of ways. In my area of spiritual teaching, it seems that the commercial interests and media that sell yoga and meditation to the public have redefined terms like 'yoga', 'meditation' and 'tantra' to suit their commercial objectives.

For example, 'yoga' now just means a set of stretching and breathing exercises, instead of a comprehensive culture of spiritual life designed to provide the ultimate cure for all kinds of suffering. 'Tantra' is now just another sex technique to sell to frustrated males in a gross material culture, instead of compassionate instructions how to live a spiritual life in the material world. 'Meditation' is now just another stress-reduction technique instead of a way to realize one's essential spiritual nature and eternal relationship with God.

In the ancient Vedic tradition of the Esoteric Teaching, in which I have the good fortune to be an Initiate and Master Teacher, the first principle I have people study are the three ways in which their knowledge of yoga and meditation are defective:
  • You have an insufficient quantity of knowledge.
  • The knowledge you do have has been distorted.
  • You have the wrong quality of knowledge.
If you doubt these assertions, our introductory video, "The Hard Questions ", will convince you that the same distortions and omissions that occur in the political news also occur in our Western spiritual teachings.

David Bruce Hughes
Master Teacher

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