"Collapse of the US economy. " 
 How certain is that, within what timeframe and how will it effect ordinary 
Americans ?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  Remember 
that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to change from the US 
dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame excuse).  The banksters have 
gamed our economic system and there is no solution.  Why we fear they will try 
next and some political pundits think is WWIII to reset everything.  Yup, that 
might REALLY reset everything including all life on earth.  It is said they 
want it soon before Russia and China catch up with the US militarily.
 Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the economic 
 On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could any of 
these pundits explain what this would mean for the American way of life ?

 Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling 
of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the 
future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners - 
no longer in dollars - see Voice of Russia 


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