Forwarded from: "Tim Bowker" <> 
Tonight!  CITY COUNCIL considers proposed grain processing site
April 14, 2014 7:00 P.M.
118 S Main St

Blue Zone concerns regarding proposed Heartland Co-Op:
Listen to the following 60-minute KRUU interview Friday afternoon of the 
currently planned grain elevator and chemical fertilizer plant
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: xyz2041 <>

Hi, Fairfield Community Member...

Here are some things we found out just in the pastfew days:

* Heartland Co-op has completed the purchase of 160  acres as of April 2nd.

* A top-view drawing shows that they want to have the  exit directly across 
from Jerry and Marge Leahy's  house.  If built, this would make living  
intolerable for them.  Imagine grain dryers running  24 hours a day, trucks and 
trains with their diesel  exhaust and noise at all hours.  Here is that  

* Heartland is moving quickly and has not publicly  disclosed all the features 
and plans--perhaps in  fear of the backlash it would cost if the true size  and 
scope were revealed.

* The proposed project is even bigger than we feared.  In fact, there isn't an 
existing Heartland project  in the same league.  They want to build a 220-foot  
tall and 2-block-long structure.  This would be the  tallest structure outside 
of Des Moines or Cedar  Rapids!  Here is a "to scale" graphic comparing it  to 
the courthouse:

* The Leahy family's 4 homes are directly adjacent to  this proposed behemoth, 
and their quality of life  would be severely affected if it is allowed to be  
constructed.  Much of the community will be  negatively affected, which 
includes people  living/working in the eastern half of town.

* The indirect word is that this industrial complex  would be only "Phase 1" of 
their plans.  They won't  reveal the rest, but possibilities include: ethanol  
processing, fertilizer processing and storage, and  who knows what else!

We need your help!

We have been informed that Section 414.23 of the IowaCode grants the City of 
Fairfield a two-mile"extraterritorial jurisdiction" over this project:

This means that the Fairfield City Council has thepower to enact ordinances 
that would stop thisproject.

However, the council members and the mayor--just likethe county 
supervisors--are situated between a rockand a hard place.  They want to do 
what's best forFairfield and Jefferson County, but they are unsurewhich 
direction the majority of citizens are leaning.

We need to show them the strength of the oppositionand the determination to 
preserve the environmentallyfriendly way of life and our city's green 
reputation.This means we absolutely need you to help!

1. The first favor we need to ask is very easy.Please sign our online petition 
asking for completestudies on how this proposed industrial plant wouldaffect 
our quality of    life:

We plan to present this to the county supervisorsMonday morning and the city 
council Monday evening.Would you please take 30 seconds to sign this rightnow?  
Thank you!

2. Thanks to everyone who attended the countysupervisors' meetings during the 
past few weeks!  Wehave made an impression.

As you can see, the supervisors would like to avoiddiscussion of the Heartland 
debacle for this week:

A few of us plan to be there just to make certainnothing untoward occurs.  So, 
it's not necessary fora large group to attend.

However, we are on the agenda for the city councilmeeting later Monday night at 
7 PM:

So, we would really need you to come to this meeting(Monday, April 14th, 7 PM) 
and show the council andmayor that we stand for high quality living 
standardsand don't want to have a 220 ft. industrial complexmarring our 
beautiful eastern entrance.  The cityshould act to prevent this.

3. Personal contact.  We really appreciate yoursigning the online petition.  
Something that would addto that effect would be to reach out to your 
councilmember, mayor, and county supervisors.  By making apersonal 
contact--either personal visits, letters,email, or phone calls--it will let 
them know thatthere are a great number of people who want them toact to oppose 
this project.  Please be polite,respectful, and appreciative of these public 
servantswho work on behalf of everyone in the city/county.

Would you please pledge to contact at least 3 ofthese people this coming week?

Here are contact details:


  Lee Dimmitt  1300 W. Jackson Ave.  Fairfield, IA  52556-4251  641-919-9547

     Dick Reed  709 S. Maple St.  Fairfield, IA  52556-3746  641-919-8262

     Becky Schmitz  404 West Washington Ave.  Fairfield, IA  52556-3344  

City Council and Mayor:

  Ed Malloy (Mayor)  1105 Lakeview Dr.  Fairfield, IA  52556-9669  641-472-7754

     Martha Rasmussen (First Ward)  1104 S. D St.  Fairfield, IA  52556-3820  641-472-2339

     John Revolinski (Second Ward)  2050 Coral Ln., Apt. 3  Fairfield, IA  
52556-8764  641-472-3939

     Tony Hammes (Third Ward)  604 S. 33rd St.  Fairfield, IA  52556-4744  641-919-1412

     Michael Halley (Fourth Ward)  404 N. Main St.  Fairfield, IA  52556-2446  641-233-0445

     Daryn Hamilton (Fifth Ward)  1602 Woodside Cir.  Fairfield, IA 52556-4145  641-919-1861

     Jessica Ledger-Kalen (At Large)  709 S. 2nd St.  Fairfield, IA  52556-3606  641-919-8912

     Doug Flournoy (At Large)  217 Glasgow Rd.  Fairfield, IA  52556-3004  641-472-0261

Thank you for making your voice heard!  We reallyvalue the quality of life that 
we have built up overthe years and appreciate your help preserving 
andmaintaining that quality.

To help you stay updated, we have started a websitein the past few days:

We hope to update this site as quickly as any newsabout this issue comes to our 

Please forward this email to anyone who wants topreserve and enhance the 
quality of life of ourcommunity.  If you want to be included in thesemailings, 
please send your contact information

With sincere thanks,

Mea Lama, Roger Leahy, Cindy Ballou, Keith DeBoer,& Patrick Bosold

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