Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
On Wed, 4/16/14, TurquoiseBee <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous
 To: "" <>
 Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 3:09 PM
 Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:53 PM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous
       I was with some children last
 night. I have no children myself, so it was rather
 intriguing watching what interests them. One was about one
 year old, and the other about three. The one year old seemed
 totally fascinated with an empty aseptic package (Rice milk
 or something like that). Its
  whole world was wrapped up in this empty package. It made
 me wonder how its mind was beginning to fashion the world it
 experiences. The other child was much more interactive with
 me because she could speak, but I could rarely understand
 what she was talking about. The ego was forming in this one,
 but mostly she was interacting with me with a beach ball and
 some other small spherical toys. I have vague memories of my
 childhood playing and making up stuff, trying to figure out
 how things works. Somewhere along the line all this make
 believe solidifies into something more sinister - what I
 think is real. The pretend becomes
 won't comment on the deeper aspects of your post, just
 pass along a wonderful moment having to do with children. Or
 one child, at least. Here's Maya yesterday, revealing
 her aspect as the Buddha of Compassion, meditating on the
 infinite wonder of bunnies.  :-)

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