Ooops. Looks like I pushed a few more of Barry's buttons. It makes him absolutely crazy that I'm actually a fairly nice-looking dame rather than the hideous hag of his nightmares. In many cases what people say about your face is more devastating than turning it into a caricature. We see political cartoons all the time so it's really nothing new. But, when people post in plain text some comments it can really get to you. It's like, so personal. Hey, we could start a thread about this! Go figure.
I think that thread was started long ago, with the words, "The censorious editor could most definitely be judged a Tulku of Carry Nation. Several other qualities also appear to be in common in addition to the prominent sagging jowls on a sallow face completely devoid of humor and warmhearted compassion." :-) I think that thread was started long ago, with the words, "