Bizarre story. It's hard to believe people still actually believe that the 
Earth is only 6,000 years old.That's a lot of cognitive dissonance you'd have 
to be coping with these days. Probably why these maniacs have their own 
"natural" history museum with humans and dinosaurs cavorting happily together.. 


 Each to their own POV but it's easier to disprove Biblical creation than it is 
the tooth fairy. Everyone knows there are trees demonstrably older than 6,000 
years. And if the Ark landed in Turkey, why can't you find kangaroos outside of 

 I say they should have to prove the Earth is only as old as the Bible says or 
put up with the new state fossil. You can't go around controlling what everyone 
sees by banning anything you disapprove of because your religion tells you 
otherwise! Can you?



 Creationist Debate Stalls South Carolina State Fossil Bill
 Creationist Debate Stalls South Carolina State Fossil Bi...
 When 8-year-old Olivia McConnell proposed a state fossil for South Carolina, 
she probably didn't expect her request to prompt a drawn-out fight wi...
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