John Spencer playing Leo McGarry, Chief of Staff to President Bartlet in West 
"There are two things in the world you never want to let people see how you 
make 'em: laws and sausages." 

maybe noodles too...

On Monday, April 28, 2014 5:51 AM, merudanda <> wrote:
Noodlehead and the Horrible Sausage

  Young audiences around the world are enjoying Finnish classics.Finland’s 
first independent, international literary agency 
representing Finnish authors, illustrators and publishers in 
international markets. "Global audiences cannot seem to get enough of Finnish 
children’s books. New 
translations are rolling off the presses worldwide in languages as 
diverse as Arabic, Norwegian and Hungarian"

Maharishi's Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising 
in the field of culture, documenting the growth of life-supporting, 
evolutionary trends. 
...or is it just the noodle head..
...but then what's about the sausage......horrible

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