Oh, OK, thanks for explaining. I agree, faces are purely incidental here. 
Apparently Barry and azgray feel otherwise, but it seems to me that to rag on 
what someone looks like exposes a certain, well, deficit in the ability to come 
up with meaningful criticism of the person's participation. It says far more 
about them than it does about the object of their disapprobation. 

 On 4/29/2014 1:23 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

 Actually, as you know, Richard, I did post a photo of "my own face" a few 
years ago (along with "Barry's Fantasy Image of Judy"). 
 Sorry for the confusion, Judy, I was referring to azgrey as "she", maybe it's 
a "he", but whatever, it's anonymous to me as a face, which was my point. I'm 
not really serious about people's faces - I don't care what people look like or 
where they were born or live - only what they say or post. Seriously.
 It's in the Members section. That's the one azgray is referring to. Apparently 
he believes he's the only one who can see it, so he feels safe in describing it 
as what he wishes I looked like.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 4/28/2014 7:38 PM, azgrey wrote:

 Rather that admit the effects of all those years of cigarettes and seething 
anger, she calls herself “a fairly nice-looking dame.” Yeah…..right…and TM 
“reverses the aging process.”   
 Most of us can determine for ourselves who is a fairly nice-looking dame, and 
who isn't. But, she forgot to post a photo of her own face. That, in itself 
tells us quite about "as-grey." Go figure.


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