At home, in the workplace, at school. Meditating A third of a day everyday 
for everyone now. The world would be so much a better place for everyone in so 
many ways if people everywhere would just stop to take quiet time meditation.

 People spending more quiet time, spent in effective spiritual practice, is 
really the only antidote. We simply must break the materialism of the world now.

 -Buck in the Dome


  !Picturing Armageddon!









 To really mediate this, we need much better public school education using and 
teaching all that is scientific towards a more invincible future. Like taking 
more quiet time employing effective transcending meditation into the 
educational design of our schools, employing quiet time meditation in to our 
workplaces, and taking meditation in to our homes and home-life. -Buck

 We need a revolution in the spiritual outlook of humanity right now. This is 
about public education.

 An Entrenched Materialism of our vast human race is the problem at core. The 
problem is fundamentally spiritual.

 We Must, 
 End the Use of Dirty Fuels, 
 Now. ..


 The problem is way too beyond just sustainability.

 We are talking survival.  As a species.
 It is quite time for a change. Radical change.
 -Buck in the Dome

 The World Simply Must

 End the Use of Dirty Fuels,
 Rampant Materialism, Hyper-Industrial Production and the Over-consumption of 
the consumer economies of the world at too high a level by too many people to 
be sustainable is the problem.


 sharelong60 writes: What does the Syrian war, destruction of Indonesian parks 
and Texas have in common?
 The premiere of a new Showtime series, Years of Living Dangerously, 
unexpectedly on global warming.
 Its 1 hour. 
 Om Shant






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