As usual you are a complete idiot. And you listen to the bullshit claims of advertising that tout not bottled water, buuuuuuuut... filtered water. What you and a lot of other bottled water opponents don't realize is the campaign against bottled water was started some years ago by the companies that own Brita, Pur and other water filtration systems.
All those bs ads about how the waters are filtered tap water and all the other claims against them can easily be debunked. First, some, not all waters are filtered tap water, such as Dasani and Aquafina. They clearly state on the bottles that this is the source. Its not like the companies are trying to hide the fact. I drink a brand called Springtime which comes from the Crystalline Piedmont Rock Aquifer from an artesian well in Appling Georgia - they still filter it to make sure its up to their standards. And the companies that squall so loudly about others who market filtered tap water? What do they want yo you to do? They want you to use Brita, Pur, Zero and other brands of filter pitchers or tap filters. And what do you get if you use these filtration systems? Filtered tap water. As you love to say, go figger. The idea also that the bottles empty water bottles are gonna pile up till they take over the earth is ignoring the fact that they are RECYCLABLE and can be reused or turned into something else. I recycle mine. The city water here in Newberry is so full o chlorine and the Pur and Britas just don't do the job well enough for me to drink and cook with what I get from the tap. Besides, I went to high school with a guy who went to work at the local water treatment plant and he started drinking bottled water immediately after he started working there. He would never say way beyond "If you saw what we put in the water to purify it..." and then he'd shake his head. And if all the companies and environmental messages that come out in these ads are sooooooo concerned with carbon footprinting and how much oil is being used to make the bottles and the idea the bottles stay around forever are telling the truth and they are sooooooo concerned about Mother Earth why aren't they taking the soft drink manufacturers, the bottled juice makers and the milk producers for doing the same damn thing? I guarantee you there are far more plastic bottles being made to enclose Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite and on and on, not to mention the RC Colas you are drinking everyday Richey, then those that are made for the bottled water trade. So yeah, I am gonna go have me a pint right now and enjoy it immensely. --------------------------- On Tue, 5/6/14, Richard J. Williams <> wrote: Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin To: Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 5:45 PM On 5/6/2014 10:14 AM, Michael Jackson wrote: > I love, love, love, love bottled water. > According to what I've read, it's mostly tap water. So, what do you do with the empty bottles? Apparently it takes 1000 years to break down the plastic. Go figure. --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! 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