From: "" <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 1:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Science Policy: A Great oppurtunity for rethinking 
Repentance Spiritually

Tb, Some of your observation here is
okay but wrong thinking once again.  If TM is as LE is saying here by
virtue of the observable research, then TM should certainly be taught
to school aged kids as public policy.  If not in the schools then
after school across the street.  It would be anti-scientific
ignorance to back down on making transcending meditation available to
kids to use as ingredient in modern educational design.  It would be
a horrible injustice to people to keep meditation as a skillset from
students on some technicality grounds like you and that guy from
South Carolina are drumming up.   It is not just “whatever”.   I
feel your carping is spiritually sinful against people and that you and that 
neganaut guy from South Carolina
are in a position of being anti-social parasites advocating against
meditation the way you do.
And I think you're an increasingly insane religious fanatic who can't be 
reasoned with, so why bother even trying? You're so far gone into religious 
insanity that you believe that disagreeing with you is "spiritually sinful" and 
that the U.S. Constitution is a "technicality" you don't have to worry about 
when trying to indoctrinate the youth of America into your ill-disguised Hindu 
Supremacy cult. Go bother someone else with your insanity. 

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