Funny, I never really associated transcending with religious concepts or with 
God.  I just transcended to a quieter area of my mind.  My religious beliefs 
always remained separate. Sometimes, when meditating, I had what felt like 
restful alertness, which then translated into what I felt was a better degree 
of activity.  In one instance I noticed a constant of silence when I shifted 
from sleeping to waking up.

 Nor am I aware of traditional religions talking much about transcending.

 But I like much of what else you say here.  I mean a lot of it is the 'ol, 
"ultimately, there's nowhere to "go", sort of thing.

 But if you're not "there", you really can't relate to it.

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 If everything is being, 'transcending' is then just a myth, a story. The 
question here is, under what circumstances is the concept of transcending 
useful? All of us who learned TM obviously must have encountered the term. All 
the word means is 'to go beyond the range or limits of', and if everything, 
every aspect of experience is really being, then it cannot apply. It is a term 
useful for the spiritually stunted because it implies there is something more 
that can be mined from their experience than they currently recognise. 
Basically the term defines what is not experienced as transcending, but that 
does not mean that is what is actually happening when a person meditates is he 
or she is transcending to being. The whole thing is there all the time, like 
the ocean around a fish, just unnoticed.  

 Transcending is a magicians' trick, the mind takes the sense of it, unaware it 
is being misdirected, while what is actually happening is a process of garbage 
removal, deconditioning of the mind, which when complete enough reveals that 
there never was any transcending in the first place. There does not need to be 
a concept like god for this to happen. It is not even necessary to have the 
concept of transcending either, but sometimes it is useful as a tool, when 
people feel they are less than everything and separate from the world. The idea 
of transcending in spirituality is usually heavily tainted with traditional 
religious concepts, which tends to make practice 'to go beyond the range or 
limits of' current experience weighted down with a lot of additional 
conceptualisation and conditioning, in addition to the conceptualisation and 
conditioning of day to day living. That tends to double the mental load one has 
to discard to experience everything as being.

---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 --In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 If you say that you've transcended while meditating, then that means you've 
experienced Being.  So if that is so, how can you say that there is no God, 
which is Being Itself?

C: It is all in how you attach meaning to the experiences we have. I can do 
better than this. I experienced "God" plenty, and I still say that is not how I 
view these experiences now.

Currently I think the state in TM is a silent aspect of our minds that has zero 
ontological meaning about how the universe works. It is just something our 
brains can do that we don't understand yet and are only confused by traditional 

Different world view huh?



---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

 C: I "transcend" just fine in the Maharishi technique sense, no differently 
than when I was a believer. 

 I don't even have to have any idea that god doesn't exist any more than that 
you have to hold a positive idea that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. It is a 
non thought.

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