For those who are not parents and for whom this film may not have crossed their 
radar, a trailer to prove that I am far from the first person to riff on the 
Easter Bunny as real, and dealing with real-life problems. What if He were not 
only real but (like the Dalai Lama) only the latest incarnation of a dynasty of 
Easter Bunnies throughout the ages? And what if *you* were about to be named 
the Big EB, and you didn't want to do it? You'd rather play in a rock 'n roll 
band. That's the basic plot of a movie made by some of the creators of 
"Despicable Me."

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Can non-believers in the Easter Bunny experience 
Easter eggs?

Given a recent thread, it occurs to me that this deeply philosophical question 
might be appropriate for a deeply philosophical discussion on FFL. 

The other thread, after all, postulated that if one was an atheist, one could 
not experience transcendence (the clear experience of Being, as I think that 
poster might define it). So I got to thinking, "What if this theory were not 
only correct, but a kind of Law Of Nature that applied equally to other 
entities that people believe in, such as the Easter Bunny?" Might those Laws Of 
Nature cause an issue for abunnyists? 

What would happen, I wondered, in a household in which the kids believed in the 
Easter Bunny, and that He was the one who magically deposited their candy eggs 
in mysterious places for them to find during their spiritual quest for 
Egglightenment, and the parents did not -- they were abunnyists. These 
unbeliever parents, after all, might have caught a clue as to the Easter 
Bunny's existence while they were hiding the eggs supposedly hidden there by 
the EB Himself. You can see how someone might develop heretical abunnyist 
thoughts in a situation like that. 

So it seems to me that the question in the Subject line might create kind of a 
koan if the theory about belief in God being necessary to experience 
transcendence were really true and a Law Of Nature. For the kids, finding the 
eggs is No Problem. Because they *believe*. So the eggs are there. 

But now consider the parents -- the abunnyists -- discovering that not all of 
the eggs they had hidden earlier had been found by the kids, and so they now 
have to go on their own egg hunt to find and retrieve the stragglers before 
they become ant magnets. 

Would they be able to find the Easter Bunny's eggs? Or would their lack of 
their belief in the Easter Bunny cloud their minds and keep them from finding 

No answers here. I'm just cafe-rapping on a blustery Sunday morning. It's just 
a warm-up rap, nothing serious, and should not be construed as me suggesting 
that belief in God is on the same level as belief in the Easter Bunny. 

Even though it is...   :-)

  • [FairfieldLife]... TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [Fairf... TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [F... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [Fairf... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [F... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

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