Good to know, for us brainwashed cult members - Thank you!

---In, <> wrote :

 You can also order "Conversations with Maharishi" vol. 1 from MUM, highly 
recommendable. Lot's of very interesting topics, the translation and 
commentaries to the Brahma Sutras being one of the best. Maharishi's humor and 
Vernon's constant nagging coming as a good nr 2 :-) 

---In, <dickmays@...> wrote :

 Purusha member Dave Hooper e-mails quotes from Maharishi such as this and the 
one I sent you about mothers on Sunday. If you would like to receive them, you 
can e-mail and request him to add you to his list.



 MAHARISH: "This sutra* teaches the normality of Brahman and warns the aspirant 
not to make any fuss about it. It is a normal, natural state. Live it is as it 
is. Finished."  (Laughter)


 VERNON KATZ: "I wish we had something to make a fuss about." (Laughter)


 MAHARISHI: "It's a normal, natural state. Live it as it is. Finished."


 JEMIMA PITTMAN: "Well, it sounds good enough, Maharishi, but . . ."


 MAHARISHI: "We have only to start living it."


 ~Srinagar, Kashmir, India -- Summer 1969~
 ~Conversations with Maharishi, Volume 1 -- Edited by Dr. Vernon Katz -- 2011~



*In this instance, Maharishi is referring to one of the Brahma Sutras​

 * * * * * * * 

 1. TM Media Alert (USA):

 "Creativity, Transcendental Meditation and Brain Integration" -- -- Linda Egenes/ May 12, 2014

 2. TM Media Alert (USA):

 "Dr. Pamela Peeke: Transcendental Meditation is good science" (video) -- -- May 12, 2014

 ​Jai Guru Dev​




 David Hooper

 1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219

 Romney, WV 26757

 davehoopermpp@... mailto:davehoopermpp@...

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