It is really funny, Curtis, Barry endlessly making BIG about his LIFETIME TWO 
WEEKS of witnessing, and your alluding to your own  'advanced experiences'. 
That is my context - I don't make this shit up, you did. 

 So, if you feel my mention of your lack of spiritual experience (e.g. 
witnessing) as a cudgel, I'll continue to wield it as such. I think of it as a 
balloon animal, myself. :-)
 ---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 You keep trying to distract me, and make this about me. It isn't, Curtis. It 
is about you and Barry prattling on about 'enlightenment'. Something neither of 
you knows anything about. You can keep up your dodging and weaving, but it 
ain't gonna get either of you to Cosmic Consciousness, or beyond. 

C: Are you incapable of going beyond your point of reference to understand that 
it is not shared?

 J: You can point your finger at me all you want, but it doesn't make your lack 
of spiritual experience

C: You have used this word as a cudgel long enough. Lets hear you define it in 
a comprehensible way that distinguishes it from what the Moonies claim about 
their magical inner states. And do tell how you know anything about my inner 

 J: suddenly vanish, or suddenly give you credibility. 

C: Here you misunderstand my intentions. You and I will never have 
"credibility" with each other. You are beating a dead horse here. I don''t seek 
or need anything from you nor you from me.

J: You  and Barry are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and happy to do 
it. A couple of ignorant ex-teachers, who cannot walk their talk. 

C: I am living consistent with my values. your outside judgements are just 
dickish trolling.

 J:So, Curtis, you continue to feel smug about you ability to hold forth on 
something you and Barry know nothing about, except for his TWO WEEKS OF 
WITNESSING LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, and I'll continue to call it as it is.

C: You have already won the smug trophy Jim. I wasn't even a contender. 

But yes I will post my opinions about subjects that interest me here and it 
will often make your self serving prattle look kind of dumb. That can't be 

---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 As Rick Archer's quote said earlier, the only one wasting his time, is the one 
running around, shitting on others' spiritual paths. There are basically two 
approaches to enlightenment - either you go for it, or you don't. 

C: But you never did "go for it" Jim. You are a couch quarterback for the 
Maharishi team.

 J: However, Barry and Curtis, have discovered a third way - You attempt 
enlightenment, spiritual liberation, for a few years, begin to doubt your 
progress, and the whole mechanism, drop out, and spend the rest of your life, 
as an angry outsider, looking in.

C: So you are thinking that spiritual life is some kind of contest that you can 
win and then lord over others? I am unfamiliar with this spiritual path Jim. I 
think you are confused here.

I didn't "doubt my progress" I grew into a world view that did not recognize 
Maharishi's world view and perspective on my inner experience as authoritative. 
The "anger" routine you and Nabbie run is all projection. I am sharing my views 
on a subject that I am interested in here just as you do.


 J: This doesn't prevent either fool from spouting on at length about spiritual 
subjects, waaay out of their depth.

C: I don't believe you and I would come to a consensus opinion about what the 
term "spiritual" refers to, so your opinion about my views is irrelevant to me. 
IF you are trying to self promote yourself as an expert in these matters, that 
will not happen for me.

 J: Barry will comment on Maharishi and his enlightenment, without giving it a 
second thought - yes, like a legless man, coaching a track team, Barry knows it 

 J: Barry and Curtis wouldn't know a good meditation experience, if it walked 
up and shook their hand.

C: Here you are disagreeing with Maharishi and his representatives who 
certified us both as experts in his meditation. Both of us were involved in 
years of advanced courses devoted to the development of "experience" with 
Maharishi's programs for higher states of consciousness and when both of us 
left we were trusted leaders in the organization. You can't rewrite history 
Jim. You may disagree with my opinion about Maharishi's teaching now, but as 
far as us ever experiencing what you are making such a fuss about, we are bot 
certified in it and you are a self proclaimed expert with no formal training 
comparatively. Not only would we both "know a good meditation" we were trained 
to evaluate claims by people like you. 

J:  They are rank beginners, waiting anxiously to begin the process of 
discovering themselves. Let's not take the frightened murmurings of frightened 
boy as fact, or wisdom, and begin to recognize it for what it really is. 

C: Here you are just being a troll. Your attempt to elevate your position as 
expert in Maharishi's teaching is only going to fly with Nabbie who has entered 
in a collusion of not challenging each other ridiculous claims. I met many 
Sidhas like you Jim. Trying to bypass Maharishi's movement cast system in a 
self created power struggle with the teachers.

If you are so into Maharishi's teaching why didn't you actually study it in any 
depth? Do you regret that? When I went to spend 4 years at Sidhaland after 4 
years at MIU it was to perfect the sidhis on Maharishi's invitation. Where were 
you Jim? The invitation was open to everyone. Perhaps all this animosity is a 
projection of your own lack of commitment to Maharishi's programs.

As far as I am concerned I gave him 100% when I was in. You are the dilettante 
in his teaching. But understanding his teaching is not your goal. You think you 
can use this as a form of oneupmanship personally. What's with that routine? Do 
you know what it reveals about you?


 J:This is not to say, that spiritual topics do not have many sides, and some 
controversy. However we would much rather hear form those with more experiences 
than these disgruntles neophytes.

C: Nice try at a "I'm really not unhinged" save Jim.

The tern "disgruntled" is a sophist trick. I left the movement because my 
further studies revealed to me the issues with Maharishi's world view. I grew 
out of it and gained much self knowledge in the process. It is a continuing 
process of growth as I discuss topics here that interest me. 

I saw your Batgap interview. I have read mountains of your posts proclaiming 
yourself as a special person with superior "experiences" to others here. It 
comes off as wacky and narcissistic Jim. I don't judge you for your experiences 
as much as for the lack of creative output you have shown in your writing. As 
Louis Armstrong said "you blows what you is." And what you are putting down 
here is what I would sum up as dim self-serving unpleasantness. 

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