Uh, Buck, that the charge of the Light Brigade was a disaster rather than a 
triumph isn't exactly a "detail." It's a tragic story about foolish, mindless 
bravery that resulted in unnecessary suffering and death and didn't accomplish 
anything. It's about the worst model for a TM mission to Crimea I can think of. 
You should be praying you haven't put a curse on it. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Thanks I do appreciate all that and for anyone who does not know history that 
way it should be said.  But also being way too literal in nature here obsessing 
the details can get in the way of another good story otherwise. One hundred 
meditators. Knowing the Transformative Power of the Unified Field Transcendent 
in the human physiology, it works. I feel it is heroic and admirable what these 
meditators have willfully set off to do, in the Crimea. Joy, Enjoy it, -Buck in 
the Dome

 Authfriend writes: Did you miss Xeno's post, Buck? The charge of the Light 
Brigade was a disaster. They were mistakenly sent against a force they were not 
equipped to fight and were mowed down in great numbers. They had to retreat 
with no military gain. Even though it was obvious they were headed for 
ignominious defeat, nobody objected to the order. Essentially, they were brave 
but stupid.

 Oh, and the "Light" in "Light Brigade" means lightweight. It doesn't refer to 
something that shines.

 Creating Coherence and Harmony
in the Collective Consciousness in the World
for Peace and Unity in all the Nations.


 One Hundred Meditators, traveling leagues, a league, half a league onward, to 
meditate in the valley of Death the Crimea, come the hundred to meditate:

 Forward, came the Light Brigade of meditators!


 'Forward, the Light Brigade of Meditators!' Was there a meditator dismay'd ? 
Knowing of themselves their own experience transcendent and the science so, 
theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to meditate. 
Into the valley of Death Crimea came the hundred meditators.

 Cannon to right of them, Tanks to left of them, Cannon in front of them. 
Boldly they came in peace and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of 
Hell came the hundred meditating.

 When can their glory fade? Om the wild charge they make in meditation together 
for Peace! In meditation together for peace! All the world wonders. Honour the 
charge they make! Honour this Light Brigade, the Noble One Hundred Meditators!
 In Paraphrase,
 -Buck in the Dome

 In Support! Practicing Meditators in Fairfield, Iowa abide by the deployment 
of the one hundred meditators gone to Crimea too! Let us pull together 
meditating in support of the Hundred and peace in all Europe, over even to the 
Crimea and around the whole world.

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