
On 5/20/2014 4:25 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:
This rap is for those long-term FFL members who claim that their continuing *personal attacks* against those who raise questions about the beliefs and behaviors of long-term TMers are for noble, altruistic, and non-self-serving reasons. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU.

We *understand* that you're attached to the things you were taught to believe by Maharishi and his talking parrots (TM teachers). We *understand* that these beliefs on your part are deeply established, often so deeply that you do not recognize that these beliefs were carefully TAUGHT to you. We *understand* that sometimes the things that critics of Maharishi and his technique and his organization write sometimes piss you off, push your buttons, make you reactive, and make you want to lash out at the critics. But PLEASE don't insult our intelligence by pretending you're doing this because you're trying to "protect others" from the evil influence of these critics.

You're doing it because you enjoy being angry and lashing out. End of story.

You *know* (as do we) that the criticisms push your buttons, trigger your own cognitive dissonance, and make you crazy. EVERYONE reading the things you write knows this, no matter how hard you try to deny it. But there is a simple solution to this, one practiced by the vast majority of TM practitioners and believers (and in fact recommended by the TMO itself) -- just don't read FFL.

You're here on FFL after all these years because YOU LIKE TO ATTACK PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE, all in the name of a spurious "spiritual teaching." You're Vedic Vigilantes.

With very few exceptions, none of you are actual TM teachers yourselves. The one or two actual TM teachers who regularly attack the critics haven't taught TM in a decade or more. The others hung around on the periphery of the TM movement for decades, quietly pissed off because you were treated like second-class citizens, and noticing that the only time TM teachers *did* praise you or give you any attention was when you 1) parroted back some "knowledge" they'd told you to memorize, and 2) when you "stood up for" MMY or TM or the TMO in response to some criticism. So that's what you *still* do today on FFL. You've convinced yourself that parroting the things you were taught and attacking people (especially ex-TM teachers) who no longer believe the things you believe is "dharmic," the work of God.

But it really isn't. It's just you feeling the need to attack someone. You're the Vedic equivalent of Ku Klux Klan members, pretending that you're doing the things you do and writing the things you write to "protect" others. The "TM critics" are your niggers.

In reality, I think you're all still here on FFL because you ENJOY lashing out the way you do, and in fact ENJOY the state of near-constant anger your continued presence on FFL causes in you. You keep trying to raise the question, "What are these non-meditators still doing on this forum after having left the TM movement years ago?" Well, we're here because the forum was *explicitly created* to be a forum on which people can express their opinions about the TM movement, free from the persecution that would quickly follow critical opinions if people tried to say these things within the TM movement itself.

But I honestly think that the reason the Vedic Vigilantes are still here is that THEY DON'T LIKE THE FACT THAT THIS IS A TM "FREE SPEECH ZONE." The very fact that people are *allowed* to say the kinds of things critics are allowed to say here PISSES YOU OFF. But on another level, rather than just go to some other namby-pamby TM forum where you'll never hear a critical word, you stay here. I have to believe that the reason YOU'RE still here is that you are trying to DESTROY this TM Free Speech area that Rick set up, and drive away those who actually dare to take it seriously, and speak freely.

We're not going away. Rick set up this forum for US.

If you don't like it -- or us -- why don't YOU go elsewhere? Or just don't read the things we post. Or read the things we post and try to comment intelligently about the *ideas* we bring up.

Continuing to attack us personally because we use this forum AS IT WAS INTENDED TO BE USED raises more questions about YOUR sanity and YOUR motives than it does ours.

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