. .

 The group meditations in Fairfield, Iowa were long, large and twice daily then.

 As the transcendental meditators generally arrived in Fairfield, Iowa during 
the mid and late 1970's and throughout the 1980's the Fairfield group 
meditations then were large and inclusive of the whole TM meditating community. 
The group meditations once facilitated in the 1980's by the TM organization 
were long, large and twice daily attended.  
 Initially there was not need to have distinct Quaker meetings for worship 
separate from the long hours of the much larger corporate enterprise as the TM 
group meditations were facilitated in Fairfield, Iowa. Only very occasionally 
would the meditator-Quakers meet of their own being in Quaker Meeting as they 
were certainly in discipline as peace-activists otherwise in the long group 
meditations as meetings for worship as Quakers could recognized themselves 
within the TM group.
  It was only after some years when TM administration of the Dome meditation 
became exclusionary and the size of the Dome meditations declined that 
meditating-Quakers of Fairfield also added in a turning back to their own 
meditation schedule a Quaker Meeting to fill a vacuum created by communal 
purgings and depletion then of what had been the larger TM Dome meditation 
 Since that time of the declines in the TM Dome meditation of the 1990's and 
00's in Fairfield there has been sustained a regular schedule of old silent 
Quaker Meetings kept in an addition as their own Quaker's refuge of inclusive 
communal spirituality.


 Quaker Meeting for Worship, 17th Century.  
 Entering into this form of worship. .
 “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God (The Unified Field 
Transcendent) simply, as if none were present but the Lord, and here thou art 
strong.  When the next that come in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down 
and turn to the same Light, and wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming 
in fear of the Lord sit down in pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and 
wait in the Light.  A few that are thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into 
the unity of the Spirit, this is a sweet and precious meeting in which all are 
met with the Lord…. Those who are brought to a pure, still waiting on God in 
the Spirit are come nearer to God than words are… though not a word be spoken 
to the hearing of the ear.  In such a meeting where the presence and power of 
God is felt, there will be an unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say 
in yourselves, it is good to be here, and this is the end of all words and 
writings, to bring people to the eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

 "There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in 
different places and ages hath had different names. It is, however, pure and 
proceeds from God (the Unified Field). It is deep and inward, confined to no 
forms of religion nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect 
sincerity. In whomsoever this takes root and grows, of what nation soever, they 
become brethren."
 -John Woolman, Quaker

 20th Century Quakers coming to Fairfield, Iowa in a form of spiritual 
direct-action peace-activism as re-enforcement joining with the large group 
meditations facilitated by Transcendental Meditation(TM) in Fairfield held a 
natural affinity to Quakers. To come as re-enforcement to the enterprise of 
what was identified then as the spiritual Meissner Effect (ME) of group 
consciousness had a recognized legitimacy to spiritual Quakerism. That 
corporate group spirituality is a Quaker practice that particularly attracted a 
number of old Quakers in to the TM movement early on. Initially upon coming to 
Fairfield, Iowa to re-enforce the aggregate numbers in meditation the old-style 
Quakers joined in alongside the TM meditations; as when in Rome do as the 
Romans do. This history in context now becomes an additional chapter in The 
Quakers of Iowa. See: http://iagenweb.org/history/qoi/QOITOC.htm 

 The Quakers of Iowa
A history of the Quaker settlement of Iowa including the nature of the under 
ground rail road in 19th Century Iowa.  Written by Louis T. Jones, 1914

 For sometime, the transcending meditation group practices of Quakers as the 
Society of Friends was a dominant spiritual practice in the settlement and 
cultivation of America and as so often has happened with Knowledge in sequence 
of time the now ancient silent transcendental Quaker practice fell crashing 
upon shoals of spiritually ignorant ideologies and the primitive Quakerism 
itself almost entirely foundered out of sight as a spiritual movement of the 
Meissner Effect [ME] of consciousness development in group meditations. The 
parallels of these two spiritual movements (TM and the old Society of Friends) 
as groups are remarkable to see and witness from inside and out.
 -Buck, an old Quaker and conservative meditator in the Dome 

 No brag just fact.  

 Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I take 
that very seriously and even deadly seriously, which is why I am in Fairfield, 
Iowa as an attender of the large group meditations in the Golden Domes of the 
Fairfield meditating community. George Fox and early Quakers long ago cognized 
the spiritual value of the group affect of transcending meditations. Since the 
1650's that has been the corporate practice of Quakers.
 -Buck in the Dome

 What would George Fox Say?


 The Fairfield, Iowa group meditation then became the largest group to Be with 
as the group of transcending meditators like Quakers gathered in Iowa from the 
late 1970's.  Quite a number of old-style Quakers like me joined on with the 
large group meditation in Fairfield, Iowa from the beginning then as recognized 
Quaker support in direct-action in the value of our form of Friends spiritual 
practice that the TM'ers had adapted to their own ends. What the Quakers have 
known all along Maharishi then had recognized as the Meissner Effect of 
consciousness in the corporate silent practice of inner transcending meditation 
like the Quaker meeting has long provided.  

 A nice thing about the Quaker group practice as the Friends Meeting itself is 
that it is stripped of religious forms, of alters, brahmasthans, steeples, no 
stages, no ostentatious hats or robes such like some clergy and TM-Rajas and 
other climbers would wear above others. The nice thing about Quaker Meeting as 
a place is that it is without the veneers of formal religion otherwise. Self 
run and no paid clergy. You just 'go in' sitting with others and the field 
effect of absolute, bliss, consciousness that the meeting of Friends creates 
for yourself and others. 
 Jai George Fox,
 -Buck in the Dome   

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