Just curious - how did you find out you had been blacklisted? Did it come up 
next time you applied for some kind of rounding course? 

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Little MIU Story


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

You may have addressed this before I came on FFL , but were you still a student 
and got kicked out of MIU when you joined up with RC? Or did you just leave the 
university, or had you graduated when Robin came along?

I had graduated in 1980 and went out to NY and NJ to live for a couple of 
years. Then a friend who was a baker out at MIU (!) on staff asked if I wanted 
to come back and run a riding program in FF for MIU people which I did. That 
was 1982, the Fall I think.  Her husband ended up at the lecture Robin gave at 
some hall in town and he thought he sounded pretty 'out there' but also "had 
something goin' on". I had seen some literature Robin had written while still 
out in NJ and I liked the sound of it, kind of stirring the pot stuff. So that 
combined with my friend's experience caused me to hook up with some people who 
got me to the house in FF where RC lived and I started watching some tapes in 
the early part of 1983. So I was well out of school by then but was still 
blacklisted from the Domes and the campus after my participation in his group.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Little MIU Story


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

It is only my opinion, but I think the number of people who were willing to go 
see Robin and to become part of his group is indicative of the shortcomings of 
both Marshy and his TMO - in other words, if either of them had been what they 
had claimed to be, no one would have looked twice at Robin.

I think this may be true for some of the people
but it was more like he had something to offer above and beyond meditation. He 
had, supposedly, the means to recognize and weaken one's personal demon through 
a process of tracking the demonic within oneself through the use of verbal and 
non verbal processes and confrontation. He was also a dynamic, very personal 
and interesting man to be around. Where TM and TM courses were slow moving, 
understated and rather snooze-worthy, being around Robin and the other friends 
within the group was anything but. We still did TM, we still acknowledged our 
roots within Maharishi's teaching but we were going way past that into areas 
that were scary and fascinating and very dramatic. Looking back I see how crazy 
it was and how really crazy it got by the end but being a part of the Robin 
thing was not for the faint of heart. It was pretty much what going on a 
rounding course was not - in both good ways and bad ways. 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Little MIU Story


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Wowzer.  I don't think that's the issue Michael, this seeing of other teachers. 
 That was not the problem the primary problem with RWC.  Yes, if you became a 
follower, evidently there were consequences.

But the situation there, as I understand it, was a frontal assault on the 
organization to usurp the authority of the existing teacher  You had someone 
who felt he had a mandate to move the organization in a different direction.

As I recall it, Robin wasn't out to set himself up as the Movement head or 
leader or anything else. He simply didn't agree with some things that were 
happening. (Because I was never interested in the TM org or the politics of it 
all and had never had aspirations to become a teacher the details of this were 
not important to me other than I liked his chuztpah and was attracted to the 
interesting vibe of the thing. And I wanted to see if I could tell if he was 
enlightened or not, get a chance to check out this outspoken guy.) He wanted to 
have a voice and let people know this and
so a group formed around him once he made the move to FF and started giving 
seminars. Before that he simply lived in Victoria surrounded by a few Canadian 
TM teachers who still meditated, who took being a TM teacher seriously and who 
revered MMY but who also believed Robin to be enlightened and
able to "help" them reach enlightenment by separating and recognizing the 
demonic from the divine within themselves. He became "enlightened" in 1976 and 
moved to FF in 1982 so there was a lot of time where there was simply a 
close-knit group of friends hanging out, eating meals together and getting the 
hell confronted out of them. It was around 1983 I believe, that the World 
Teacher Seminar emerged but he never had designs on taking over the TM 
Movement, I'm not sure he felt there was much hope for it by that time but he 
still loved MMY.

Looky here.  That's exactly what SSRS did.  Was there a problem? No. Why? 
Because he set up a separate organization and made his pitch in a different 
venue.  Did it work?  Yes, many people went into his camp.  Did it elicit the 
kind of reaction from the TMO that the RWC
did?  Not in the slightest.  Does that indicate to you that the two situations 
were different?  Probably not.  To anyone else who doesn't have a stick up 
their butt about the TMO?  Yes.

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