--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :
 It's "go time?"  Ah ha ha ha.  God bless it, Curtis...lighten up!  In the 
context the post was written, where it fell in the conversation, it was obvious 
to all that were following the exchange that it wasn't written by you. Yes, 
months later, taken out of context and looked at as a single post, Xeno was 
confused as to the authorship.  Maybe he didn't follow the original exchange.  
Judy helped put it back into its proper context.  

C: Says the person who uses a fake name. Yeah, I should just chill out.
The issue with the internet is that everything is saved forever so you cannot 
control the context. But you have missed my point. Judy has been exposed for 
using relative grudge based ethics in this case.

 E:How can you possibly be passing judgment on "ethical" with regards to the 
creative mode of expression that was being employed here?  You put in your 
word; you could be posting under a pseudonym if you wanted. This isn't 
corporate america; it's FFL.  

C: So you are arguing that because this is not "corporate America" 
mis-attributing the authorship of a post should be viewed without any regard 
for ethical standards? Disappointing. 
Ethics is relevant to any human interaction. The fact that you consider this to 
be a place free of such considerations is disturbing.

The reason I did not use a pseudonym when I started posting on ALT TM many 
years ago was that I was criticizing the TM group and was standing behind what 
I wrote personally. I try to keep my personal and professional lives separate 
here as best I can but most of that ship has sailed. At the very least I expect 
people to not consciously post things as if I wrote them. You were never in TM 
so you can easily take a "chill" attitude. I have a bit more skin in this game. 
Presenting my views of Maharishi's teaching is important to me here. Our 
situation here couldn't be more different. 


 E: Chill, deltablues, chill......

C: The obvious delight you take in my discomfort about this situation is a 
rather wide aperture to view you through.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote : 

 How Xeno could have mistaken Robin's parody of Curtis's view of him for 
something Curtis had written himself is beyond me, not just because of the 
obvious irony but because of the marked difference in writing style.

C: It might have been because Robin broke the ethics of a board like this and 
signed my name to something he wrote to make it look as though I wrote it. This 
confusion was his intention and he must be enjoying a last little unethical FU 
to me that this has resurfaced. I haven't seen you condemn this deplorable 
tactic although I did read your list of excuses why he did it.

So it got me wondering if you support this tactic of signing other people's 
name to posts? It seems as if this whole thing was a real hoot for you and 
since I always enjoy a comedic writing prompt myself I want to understand your 
position on this clearly. Is what Robin did an unethical tactic since these 
posts are on the Internet forever and might be read by someone who does not 
share your fascination with writing styles which is part of your 
profession...or is this no big deal so no one should get riled up about it?

I await your ruling with great interest.

 J: It's also rather annoying that Xeno would impugn Robin's integrity by 
claiming he had made a private message public. Robin never did that or would 
have done it without explicit permission; that alone should have clued Xeno in.

C: L'll pearl clutching (nod to Raunchy) huh Judy? How could it be imagined 
that a person who has broken on of the most fundamental and important rules for 
a message forum like this,(purposely mis-attibuting  authorship for a post} 
break ANOTHER Internet forum ethical standard? 

I think Xeno can be forgiven for not making your assumption that he would draw 
any distinctions between these two ethical courtesies.

So was Robin's breach of ethics, (which not only might theoretically lead 
someone to believe I had written something ,poorly, that I did not but it 
actually DID happen with Xeno), an unethical breach of the rules that make 
posting here safe for everyone...
or is this no big deal that wouldn't bother you in the least if it happened to 
you? Theoretically speaking of course.

From another post from Judy:
Ain't that something?

C: Something unethical to be condemned?

 J: And then Curtis pompously calling Robin "an internet troll," when FFL was 
the only place on the Web that Robin hung out.

C: You know if I didn't know that Judy was brand new to web discussion groups, 
I would think that she was deliberately being misleading about the meaning of 
"internet troll"  which has nothing to do with how many different forums people 
display that behavior on. And what psychic ability does Judy involve to know 
how many other forums  Robin posted on, he was on one before FFL that we know 

I think Judy just wanted to call me a name and was making things up.

 J: Robin had done this to Curtis before, and Curtis became very wroth. But 
this was Robin's last shot at Curtis, and he figured, Why the hell not? He knew 
Curtis wouldn't respond, and he was about to leave FFL for good.

C: Yes Judy, "why the hell not" indeed. The reason might be that we rely on 
people behaving with a certain set of ethics while posting here. The most 
fundamental one IMO is that care is taken to properly attribute who wrote what. 
Here we have a case that isn't even close to the line but Judy curiously gives 
him a pass. And the phrase "Robin's last shot at Curtis" is as succinct a 
statement of trollish intentions as I have seen.


 J: And the line in one of the quoted posts at the end, after quoting one of 
Curtis's previous expostulations: "You came, Curtis. I finally got you to 
come." So wonderfully crude. Robin was almost never crude on FFL. I laughed 
myself silly imagining Curtis's reaction.

C: My reaction was the same as it was to the many other times Robin tried to 
use homo-erotic imagery when he was angry with me. I thought it was creepy. It 
is the same reaction I have to reading your delight in his use of the phrase.


 J: Happy grass, Emily. Glad you enjoyed this.

C: So much joy from someone acting in a despicable way on  this forum, cheered 
on by his supporters who share his low ethics.

So it's go time Judy. Is this behavior of deliberately mis-attibuting posting 
authorship acceptable  here? Is is justifiable if someone is really angry or 
plans not to post here again or for a while? Is it OK if we just figure, "what 
the hell?"

 The only reason I can think of that Xeno would have made such a gross error 
despite all the obvious clues is extreme anti-Robin bias.

 Making a mistake is really easy, it is there for all to see. A convoluted 
explanation is not required. I think, probably like Barry, I am not interested 
in a person's integrity. What they say and do is more important. Integrity is 
an imaginary property we give ourselves to bolster our position relative to 
others. In the absence of others there is no need for the idea. And if there is 
a need to promote one's integrity, then probably it is not there in the first 
place. I do not claim to have integrity. On the merely human level I am as 
flawed as anyone else in the eyes of others; and there are people smarter than 
me, stronger than me, more socially adept than me, people who think more 
clearly than me, and on and on. On a certain level of scale, I have what might 
be called integrity, but that is not on the scale that I interact with people, 
it is just the foundation of experience and does not do anything.






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