Thanks, Judy. Always glad to get a pat on the head and a dog biscuit. <snicker> 
 Anyway, it turns out the concept "economy of means" is a useful tip I hadn't 
thought about.  I think poetry has inherent economy of means. It's the art of 
crafting word pictures onto the canvas of one's feelings. 

 "Poets and writers, artists in general, have time and again given evidence of 
their desire to get things right. The careful attention they pay to processes 
of revision, for example, may show that they want their work to meet certain 
ideas of what it should be like, and that they want it to achieve a most 
intense effect."

 From a "desire to get things right," I changed the last word in the poem from 
"land" to "reins." Voila! All at once I have a cool homonym that rhymes with 
"rain" plus sharper imagery that corresponds with "looting mount." Changing one 
word in a poem can hit the mark perfectly or bomb. I think my revision is an 
improvement but then, I could change how I feel about it tomorrow. 

 "But Poetry with rule and order strange
 So curiously doth move each single pace,
 As all is marr'd if she one foot misplace," 

 Sir John Davies
 Orchestra (stanza 93)

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 raunchy, I left you a post several days ago saying I thought this was a really 
terrific poem, but I can't find it now, so maybe it never appeared. If not, 
I'll say it again. It uses what my English lit prof in college would have 
called an "economy of means," which she considered a sign of the very best 

---In, <raunchydog@...> wrote :

 I've been following the news from Ukraine. It's a dark and horrible story that 
turns my world upside down. I thought we were the good guys cheering democracy 
and defending freedom not the depraved and desperate police state we've become. 
The days of Orwell have come to pass. Incessant propaganda manufactures an 
endless Cold War, shrouds us in ignorance and robs us of our humanity.

 War Gardens

 Her knees rest lightly upon the garden floor,
 Tending heirloom seedlings,
 Seeds saved for starving children,
 Seeds sequestered from the war.

 Bloody war.

 No one told her why missiles pieced the air,
 Shattered, scattered, terra-cotta pottery,
 Burnt orange shards,
 That cradled hope before the planting.

 Dead before the harvest.

 Rising from the rubble,
 Austerity rides on wings of Poverty,
 Its looting mount, Hegemony,
 Laughs as jackboot slavery chokes the land.

 She had expected rain.



 Global Austerity and the US War Agenda
 Global Austerity and the US War Agenda In this 
stage of advanced globalization, banks earnings and corporate profits continue 
to soar even as real wages continue to plummet. This does not just...

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