On 6/19/2014 8:44 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

jr, I don't know a lot about the Middle East - obviously they are in a cycle where no one can let go of any feelings, and they also have the problem of tribal people, being forced into political boundaries, by former colonial powers. Add oil, and the place is continuously explosive.

Obviously the US is there, mostly for weapons "testing" and sales of more weapons. Also, given our political status in the world, we have the role, unfortunately, of world policeman. We currently produce enough oil to meet our needs, if we didn't export a lot of it, so no need for us to protect resources that we have plenty of, at home.
The U.S. imports at least 10% of it's oil - the question is, should we be using up our own oil first, or using up foreign oil first? And, even if the U.S. becomes energy independent, how does that help us with economic globalization?

One thing the US is *not* doing, is spreading freedom and democracy.
What if the people vote in a free democracy, but they elect a violent sectarian group of religious fanatics bent on destroying you?

"West Texas Intermediate and Brent crudes charted the biggest weekly gains this year as Islamist fighters extended their advance in Iraq, triggering concern of a return to civil war."

'Crude Records Year’s Biggest Weekly Gain on Iraq Unrest'

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You can trace this trend back to the Biblical times. Is this the karmic characteristic of the people there?

Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to fundamentalism. This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there. It's not only fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the cloth of religion.

This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at that time. So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by water. That's something to think about. Hello, global warming?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain fighter gets involved.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

1. When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS. Also, let the Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements of ISIS.

2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

3. Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to infiltrate Iraq from the east. If need be, their troops can move in to towns east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

4. Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking from the main route to Mosul.

5. Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main highway from Mosul.

6. Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of Baghdad.

The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings. IMO, this would demoralize the insurgents and flee for cover. A victory against the insurgents will definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and its government.

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