What if you woke up in the morning and found out that the civil war in Iraq and Syria had spread to Jordan?

"The Syrian civil war is no longer the Syrian civil war. It’s a regional war that started in Syria, has expanded into Lebanon and Iraq, and has drawn in the Iranians and to a lesser extent the Kurds and the Israelis. Wars in North Africa tend to stay local, but wars in the Levant spill over and suck in the neighbors. There’s no reason to believe this war has finished expanding or that an end is in sight." - Michael J. Totten


On 6/23/2014 10:00 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
I just noticed the latest Gallup Poll. Obama sank bellow G W Bush and even Carter in favorability rating. Highest of living presidents was Clinton with 64%, followed by GHW Bush with 63%. Next was W at 53% and Carter with 52%. Obama brought up the tail with 47% but he still has another year and a half to go. At the rate, could easily end in the 20% range if he isn't impeached first.

On Monday, June 23, 2014 5:58 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that the U.S. had lost the war on terrorism and that terrorists had taken over half of the Middle East?

What if you woke up one morning and you found out that instead of beating al Qaeda back, it had doubled in size? What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that your president had lied about winning the war against the terrorists and that they were about to take Baghdad? What if you woke in the morning and you read in the newspaper that the borders of Syria, Jordan, and Iraq had crumbled?

"Sunni tribes took the Turaibil border crossing, the only legal crossing point between Iraq and Jordan, after Iraqi security forces fled, Iraqi and Jordanian security sources said."

'Iraq loses control of Syrian, Jordanian borders'
Reuters, June 23, 2014

On 6/20/2014 1:28 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that the FBI was going to subpoena all your Google searches on your home computer and mobile devices looking for searches about /how to destroy your hard drive?/

On 6/20/2014 12:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
/What if/ you woke up one morning and found out you were being audited by the IRS and that two years of your emails to the agency, which might prove your case, were found to be missing because of a computer hard drive crash; and what if seven other agency hard drives had crashed at the same time; and what if the email back-server for the agency had failed at the same time; and what if the magnetic tape backup of the backup had also failed?

/And, what if/ you woke up the next morning and the agency told you that your failed hard drive had been thrown in the trash?

"There were audible gasps in the room today when IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress that Lerner’s hard drive was tossed out. Koskinen testified before the House Ways and Means Committee today on the IRS conservative targeting scandal."

/'Audience GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Trashed'/
Gateway Pundit:

On 6/19/2014 9:00 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of gasoline at the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia instead of to Canada and the U.S.? What if you woke up in the morning and your power had been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything was much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go figure.

'Iraq: Why It’s Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records and all your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard drives had crashed and all the records were just gone, disappeared? I wonder what would happen to the IT guy in charge of the servers at the IRS data center? What if the IRS Commissioner was called in before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about the mysterious data loss?

What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to the FBI? Go figure.

'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'
On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent surge of unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by the U.S. President and his administration failing to enforce immigration laws?

And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you were going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the housing and medical care of thousands of parents and their children. And, that the crises had left most of the U.S. - Mexican border in control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that because of this political trick, your political party was going to lose a majority in the U.S. Senate.

What if?

HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its capacity to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)...

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control'

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children crossing illegally into the U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..."

'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal immigrants'

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